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Anaïs Delva lyrics
On n'a qu'une vie [English translation]
It's necessary to always be pleasant To avoid mood swings To be sweet and not too chatty To never show that we're afraid It's necessary to be a girl w...
On n'a qu'une vie [Hungarian translation]
Fontos, hogy mindig mókás légy Hogy elkerüld a hangulatingadozásokat Hogy aranyos légy, és ne túl fecsegős Hogy sose mutasd, hogy félsz Fontos, hogy k...
Partons lyrics
Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh Il parait qu'on épuise Nos fragments de jeunesse A coup de grandes bêtises , de petites maladresses Il parait q...
Partons [English translation]
Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh It seems like we are exhausting The fragments of our youth Due to our nonsense our little blunders It seems tha...
Screen Romance [A Song from a Musical Animation / Animated Short Film] lyrics
Give me, give me, give me, give me, One more drop of beauty. Let me, let me be your girl again. Give me, give me one more drop of beauty. Let me, let ...
Screen Romance [A Song from a Musical Animation / Animated Short Film] [Russian translation]
Give me, give me, give me, give me, One more drop of beauty. Let me, let me be your girl again. Give me, give me one more drop of beauty. Let me, let ...
Toi lyrics
J'me suis couchée ce soir Avec mon amertume J'ai bu un verre de vin Mis mon coeur en enclume J't'ai r'vu passer au loin Comme on voit un fantôme Tout ...
Toi [English translation]
I went to bed tonight With my bitterness I drank a glass of wine Turned my heart into an anvil I saw you again pass in the far distance As we see a gh...
Toi [Spanish translation]
Me acosté esta noche Con amargura Con una copa de vino Y mi corazón en yunque Te vi pasar de lejos Así como se ve a un fantasma Tu tenias oro en las m...
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