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Axel Rudi Pell lyrics
Don't say goodbye [Turkish translation]
Bulutlu bir gecede Pencereden dışarı baktım ve Kaybolan yüzler gördüm Sonsuz geceler ve gündüzler boyunca Zamanın çarkları dönmeye devam etti Ruhumu ı...
Earls of Black lyrics
A long time ago (there) was a cloud over heaven Filled with evil (dragons) and snow It came from the place where the voices were calling (And) had a l...
Earls of Black [Russian translation]
Давным-давно было облако на Небесах, Полное злых драконов и снега. Оно пришло из тех мест, где взывали голоса, И долог был его путь. Огонь и вода, вет...
Fire lyrics
High above, fallen angels, now it's do or die The price you have to pay is high, a drama in the sky Sole survivor, holy ghost, the writings on the wal...
Fire [Russian translation]
Ввысь, падшие ангелы, сейчас либо сделай, либо умри, Цена, которую вам предстоит заплатить, высока, драма в небесах, Единственный выживший, святой при...
Fly To The Moon lyrics
We're leaving, the crown up in the air closing doors from yersterday, on ashes of despair we don't know... Cold days in hell, dreamings of paradise cu...
Fly To The Moon [Russian translation]
Мы уходим, корона в воздухе закрывая двери вчерашнего дня на пепелище отчаяния Мы не знаем... Холодные дни в аду, мечты о рае скованы цепями, слишком ...
Flyin' High lyrics
Ride through the air, heavenly stair Over mountains, forests and seas Mystical clouds, creatures around Stealin' the air that I breathe All alone on t...
Flyin' High [Russian translation]
Мчись по воздуху, по ступенькам рая, Над горами, лесами и морями. Загадочные облака, существа вокруг Крадут воздух, которым я дышу. В одиночестве, на ...
Forever angel lyrics
You were born on judgment day But you don't care and go your own way Your living your life and you made your own laws Fellowship forever, your freeing...
Ghost In The Black lyrics
We are heading out on the land Raising our swords in the air We'll fight for glory 'till the very end Strong with no fear and despair We followed the ...
Glory night lyrics
Alone at heart, I was searching for the one Lost in love, falling tears in the dawn A call for a job that day led me to that place Climbing the stairs...
Glory night [Italian translation]
Solo negli affetti, stavo cercando quella giusta* Perso nell’amore, lacrime che iniziano a cadere Una chiamata di lavoro quel giorno mi ha portato in ...
Holy Creatures lyrics
The evil wolfs in the dark are howling again I wish that I could sleep every now and then The moon is shining in, in my face so bright In this neveren...
Living In The Wildside lyrics
It was early in the morning, the sun rises in the sky The place you'd filled is empty, I don't understand why The memories are coming, all slowly on m...
Night and Rain lyrics
On my way and rain was falling down There were faces in the mirror Too blind to see they were crying out for me From the distance (it) gave me shivers...
Night and Rain [Italian translation]
Lungo la strada la pioggia cadeva C’erano dei volti allo specchio Troppo cieco per vedere che stavano piangendo per me Da lontano ho avuto i brividi O...
Nightmare lyrics
Lights out, the time is late Another night on your own Welcome the dark, extinguish the spark Will it happen again ? You're screaming in the night And...
Nightmare [Turkish translation]
Işıklar kapansın, saat geç oldu Tek başına bir gece daha geçireceksin Karanlığa hoş geldin, kıvılcımlar sönsün Bu tekrar mı olacak ? Bağırıyorsun gece...
Oceans of Time lyrics
I see you turning, turning away And we're ready to leave, to the bridges of sin yeah Seven wonders, we are ready to fly Like an eagle, we're touching ...
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