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Lucy Spraggan lyrics
'91 lyrics
I find myself persistently caught up confused resisting the urge to kiss you, I never see this side of me, you spin my head excitedly, oh round the is...
Jeremy Kyle lyrics
I woke up this morning At Nine Twenty-Three I grabbed my remote And switched on ITV There's only one man Im waiting for The only man for me His name i...
Last Night lyrics
Last night I told you I loved you, woke up blamed it on the vodka I generally thought I was dying and I could see that smile you were hiding Last nigh...
Last Night [Dutch translation]
Gisteravond zei ik dat ik van je hield, Werd wakker en gaf de schuld aan de wodka In het algemeen dacht ik dat ik dood ging en ik zag die glimlach die...
Last Night [Greek translation]
Χθες βράδυ σου είπα ότι σαγαπώ, ξύπνησα και κατηγορησα γι' αυτό την βότκα. Γενικά νομίζα ότι πεθαινα και μπορούσα να δω το χαμόγελο που έκρυβες. Χθες ...
Last Night [Spanish translation]
Anoche te dije que "te amaba" desperté, y culpe al vodka En realidad yo pensé que estaba muriendo, Entonces pude ver esa sonrisa queescondías Anoche t...
Last Night [Swedish translation]
Vaknade och skyllde allt på vodkan Jag trodde på det hela taget att jag höll på att dö och jag kunde se leendet som du försökte dölja Igår kväll sa ja...
Lighthouse lyrics
I found a map and it broke my heart I didn’t know that I’d ever go this far With a compass point driving ink into my arm The father, son and the holy ...
Lucky Stars lyrics
On the ceiling in my bedroom They would glow up in the dark I had no idea that you and I Were still light-years apart The stars don't look like that A...
Mountains lyrics
Sitting in the station Contemplating looks on peoples faces Wondering why they're smiling Or what troubles they are facing I don't know why I'm thinki...
Mountains [Spanish translation]
Sentado en la estación Contemplando las miradas en los rostros de las personas Preguntándome porque sonríen Oa qué problemas se enfrentan No sé por qu...
Rockcliffe Bay lyrics
He said part of me has been lost at sea Never to return again With her eyes wide open She was softly spoken She said: "babe, are you missing the breez...
Someone lyrics
You may never be a scientist You may never fire a gun You may never step foot on the moon but you're already someone You may never find the missing li...
Someone [Spanish translation]
Puede que nunca seas un científico Nunca puedes disparar un arma Nunca puedes pisar la luna pero ya eres alguien Es posible que nunca encuentre el enl...
Tea and Toast lyrics
Tom was born in 1942 With eyes of blue And the doctors said that his birth was far too fast His heart stopped twice But yet he survived As he took his...
Tea and Toast [Indonesian translation]
Tom lahir pada tahun 1942 Dengan mata biru Dan dokter mengatakan bahwa kelahirannya terlalu cepat Jantungnya berhenti dua kali Tapi dia bertahan Saat ...
Tea and Toast [Italian translation]
Tom nacque nel 1942 con gli occhi blu e i dottori dissero che la sua nascita era avvenuta troppo rapidamente il suo cuore si era fermato due volte ma ...
Tea and Toast [Romanian translation]
Tom s-a născut în 1942 Cu ochii albaștri Iar medicii au spus că nașterea lui a fost mult prea rapidă Inima i s-a oprit de două ori Dar totuși a suprav...
Tea and Toast [Turkish translation]
Mavi gözleriyle Tom 1942'de doğmuş. Doktorlar çok erken doğdu demiş, İki kez durmuş kalbi, Yine de hayatta kalmış. O ilkini alırken, Annesi son nefesi...
You're Too Young lyrics
She was so clever for her age As a kid she took pride in everything she said or did, She was born as an angel, ticked every box in the list How could ...
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