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Orphaned Land lyrics
norra el norra [Turkish [Ottoman] translation]
Şecâat kuşanmış Kâdir Allâh, nazâr eyle yâ Rabbim. Yâ Habîb, şifâ ver nefsime kim heykeline* hasret kaldı yâ Rabbim. Yâ şecâat kuşanmış Kâdir Allâh. Y...
Ornaments Of Gold lyrics
Deliver the love out from your body Grieving nights to you, I'm hard as stone Bodies sweat in the heat of the moon After you're gone I'll be all alone...
Our own Messiah lyrics
The cycle that never ends It begins and starts again Trapped like mice inside a maze And bereft of our own grace We pray and bend our feet We will not...
Our own Messiah [Greek translation]
Ο κύκλος που δεν τελειώνει ποτέ, ξεκινά και ξαναρχίζει πάλι. Παγιδευμένοι σαν ποντικια μέσα στο πλήθος και στερημένοι απο τον δικό μας παράδεισο Προσε...
Our own Messiah [Turkish translation]
Hiç bitmeyen bir döngü Başlıyor ve yeniden başlıyor Labirentteki bir fare gibi kapana kısılmış Ve kendi onurumuzdan yoksunuz Dua ediyoruz ve diz çöküy...
Sapari lyrics
[Hebrew:] סַפְּרִי תַמָּה תְמִימָה סַפְּרִי נָגִיל בְּתֵימָא בּת מְלָכִים הַחֲכָמָה אָן מְקוֹמֵךְ סַפְּרִי לִי עָנְתָה יוֹנָה סְעַדְיָה לִי בְּפַלְטֵר...
The Beloved's Cry lyrics
My heart flies on her wings Now I'm crying, the moon so red Tomorrow shall be yet another hell To the sun, the sky's soul is fed Blows pass me I'm dow...
The Kiss Of Babylon [The Sins] lyrics
Twisted ways blackened nights Sin upon Sin, gone is the light Doom shall befall them all A Downward spiral they shall fall The Three, all this they se...
The Kiss Of Babylon [The Sins] [German translation]
Verdrehtes Leben schwärzte die Nächte, Sünde über Sünde, das Licht ist erloschen Sie alle werden dem Jüngsten Gericht anheimfallen Hinunterstürzen sol...
The Kiss Of Babylon [The Sins] [Russian translation]
Почернели ночи витиеватыми путями Грех на Грехе, пропал Свет Страшный Суд всех их постигнет Падут по спирали всё ниже и ниже Всё это видят Трое пытаяс...
The Simple Man lyrics
Vanitas vanitatum ["Everything is meaningless" - Ecclesiastes 1, 1] I was born to pave the way To let the masses hear, listen to my say They'll follow...
The Simple Man [Turkish translation]
Vanitas Vanitatum (“Her şey anlamsız” - Vaiz Bölümü 1,1) Ben kaldırımda doğdum Halk kitlelerini duyabilmem için, söylediklerimi dinlemek için Onlar en...
Through Fire And Water lyrics
על אף השקר, המוות וקושי הסליחה באש ובמים, אלך איתך مع الأكاذيب و صعوبة الغفران سأكون معك فى السراء و الضراء בנפול אויבך אל תשמח (משלי כ"ד י"ז) למרות ה...
Through Fire And Water [English translation]
Despite of the lie, the death and the woes of forgiveness Through fire and water I shall walk with thee With lies and difficulty of forgiveness I shal...
Ya Benaye lyrics
يا بنية قوليلي مال عينش بتبكي ما هربت و عليش ولا معي خل ثاني للالاالاالااالااالااااا يا وليد يا وليد حبك طبع وسط قلبي كل ليله وانا باب بيتك مراعي للال...
Ya Benaye [English translation]
O lady doth say to me Why art thou eyes tearful? I did not elope And I have no other love O lad O lad thy love Is etched within my heart Each night I ...
Ya Benaye [Transliteration]
ya binyat qwlyly mal eaynsh btabky ma harabat w elish wala maei khal thani lallalaalaalaaalaaalaaaaa ya walid ya walid habbik tabae wasat qalbi kl lay...
Ya Benaye [Turkish translation]
Ah kadın söyle bana gözlerin neden yaşlı? Oysa ne başkasıyla kaçtım ne de başka bir sevdiğim var! Lalalala lala laaa Ah adam, ah adam aşkın kalbime ka...
אל מאוד נעלה [El Meod Na'ala] lyrics
אל מאוד נעלה אקבל פניו בשירה ותהילה אבוא למעוניו כימי משה ואהרון יובילני למשכנותיו הושעה ממעל וישמע קולי וישלח ממעל ויעזור לי כימי מזה ואהרון יובילני ...
עוֹלַת הַתָּמִיד [Olat Ha'ttamid] lyrics
שׁוֹפֵט כָּל הָאָרֶץ וְאוֹתָהּ בְּמִשְׁפָּט יַעֲמִיד נָא חַיִּים וָחֶסֶד עַל עַם עָנִי תַּצְמִיד וְאֶת תְּפִלַּת הַשַּׁחַר בִּמְקוֹם עוֹלָה תַּעֲמִיד ...
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