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Against The Current lyrics
Chasing Ghosts [Serbian translation]
Imali smo svetlo, sada je suvise tamno za sjaj. Sada smo samo u prolazu, dva brodoloma u noći. Sećaš se kada smo se upoznali? Da, znam da sam bila pro...
Closer Faster lyrics
When it gets dark we're falling far tonight Under the moonlight chasing fireflies If I'd ask you, "do you think you want to?" Just say yes without fee...
Closer Faster [German translation]
Wenn es dunkel wird, werden wir uns heute Nacht heftig verlieben Unter dem Mondlicht fangen wir Glühwürmchen Wenn ich dich fragen würde: "Glaubst du, ...
Closer Faster [Hungarian translation]
Mikor besötétedik, ma este mélyre esünk1 A holdfény alatt üldözve a szentjánosbogarakat Ha megkérdeznélek, hogy "Hogy akarod-e ezt?" Ne érezz kényszer...
Closer Faster [Romanian translation]
Când se întunecă noi suntem în cădere în această noapte Sub lumina lumii prinzând licurici Dacă te-aș întreba crezi că mă vrei? Doar spune da fără să ...
Closer Faster [Serbian translation]
Kada postane tamno, mi idemo daleko večeras Na mesečini ćemo jurićemo varnice Ako te budem pitala ,,Da li misliš da želiš?" Samo reci ,,Da" bez osećan...
Come Alive lyrics
I've been floating on a dark wave Don't want nobody to come rescue me No direction in mind I'm just killing time I gave my body to the riptide Maybe i...
Comeback Kid lyrics
You got this subtle kind of way of making everything turn grey Like a bottle that runs dry before you’ve even had a drink Do you think what you do jus...
Comeback Kid [French translation]
Tu as cette façon subtile de tout tournée au gris comme les bouteille qui s'aseche avant que tu aie eu un verre Est ce que tu pense que ce que tu fais...
Comeback Kid [German translation]
Du hast diese subtile Art, die alles grau erscheinen lässt Wie eine Flasche, die schon leer ist, bevor du überhaupt davon getrunken hast Glaubst du ei...
Comeback Kid [Hungarian translation]
Valami finom módon eléred, hogy minden szürkévé váljon Mint egy palack, ami kiürül mielőtt ittál volna belőle Azt hiszed, hogy amit csinálsz talán maj...
Comeback Kid [Italian translation]
hai questo sottile modo di far diventare tutto grigio come una bottiglia che finisce prima che tu abbia bevuto pensi che quello che fai potrebbe aggiu...
Demons lyrics
[Verse 1] I read your veins like lines on a map But I got no destination See the smoke and signals rise from my breath And the flames are cold and pat...
Demons [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je lis tes veines comme des lignes sur une carte, Mais je ne trouve pas une destination, Regarde la fumée et les signaux se lever de mon s...
Demons [Hungarian translation]
Olvasom a vénáidat, mint a vonalakat a térképen De nincs célállomásom Látom, ahogy a füst és a jel erősödik a leheletemben És a lángok hidegek és bete...
Demons [Italian translation]
[Prima strofa] Ho letto le tue vene come fossero linee su una mappa Ma non avevo una meta Vedi fumo e segnali alzarsi dal mio respiro E le fiamme sono...
Demons [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] Я читаю твои вены как линии на карте Но у меня нет назначения Смотри, как дым и знаки исходят из моего дыхания И пламя холодное и терпеливо...
Eyes Like Guns lyrics
Here come the pink skies You know the night lies It tears our walls down And now we're waking up Sober from the sun I got you figured out Lips on my f...
Fireproof lyrics
I was better off the night before I met you But I was mesmerized and high on every word you spoke You were born to run but your poison tongue won't sa...
Fireproof [German translation]
Ich war besser dran, bevor ich dich eines Abends traf Aber ich war hypnotisiert und hingerissen von jedem einzelnen deiner Worte Du warst der geborene...
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