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Dark Tranquillity lyrics
In Truth Divided lyrics
This matters more with time Than anything I know This object permanence Keeps you with me 'til the end Inconsequential I may be I know Inside the sile...
In Truth Divided [Greek translation]
Αυτή μετράει περισσότερο με τον καιρό Από ο,τιδήποτε (άλλο) ξέρω Αυτή του αντικειμένου η μονιμότητα Μαζί μου σε κρατά ως το τέλος Ασήμαντος μπορεί να ...
Indifferent Suns lyrics
And although it can be argued Whether time will ever come to end There is an overcoming sense of failing If you never can see the end In the giving of...
Insanity's Crescendo lyrics
gently hold our heads gently hold our heads on high aimless time in fear new hide overthrow the plan confusion lies in all my words mad is the soul we...
Insanity's Crescendo [Turkish translation]
yavaşça başımızı kaldıralım usul usul dik tutalım başımızı amaçsız zaman, korku içinde şimdi saklan tüm planların ötesinde tüm kelimelerimin ardında ş...
Inside The Particle Storm lyrics
Inside the particle storm Where clouds of napalm shimmer With the promise of one final dawn Inside the particle bliss Where ages collide into nothingn...
Iridium lyrics
Let the horizon lead Onto the ether of the night Draped across the burning heavens Flying homeward like a bird of the soul Shattered into a million br...
Iridium [Greek translation]
Ας προχωρήσει ο ορίζοντας Στον αιθέρα της νύχτας Καλυμένος κατά μήκος των φλεγόμενων ουρανών Πετώντας προς το σπίτι σαν ένα πουλί της ψυχής Θριμματισμ...
Iridium [Spanish translation]
Deja que el horizonte conduzca sobre el éter de la noche. Envuelto en los cielos incendiados vuela a casa como un pájaro del alma. Fragmentado en mill...
Lethe lyrics
Lethe Give me to drink of the fluid that disintegrates And lend me the sweet balm and blessing of forgetfulness, empty and strong [Lethe Oh, lethe] Ho...
Lethe [Arabic translation]
أنعمْ علي بشراب تتحلل وأعرْني المرهم الحلو ونعمة النسيان الفارغة والقوية عانِقْنـي ونوّرْ النجوم لما أغادر الجنات وأغادر الليل لأنك شفرتي وحبلي لأنك.....
Lethe [Greek translation]
Λήθη Δώσε μου να πιω απ' το υγρό που δυαλύεται και δάνεισέ μου το γλυκό βάλσαμο και την ευλογία της λησμονιάς, κενή και δυνατή [Λήθη Ω, λήθη] Κράτα με...
Lethe [Russian translation]
??? Дай мне глоток этой влаги, Что растекается, И передай мне сладкое утешение и благословение Забытья, пустого и сильного. Лета, О, Лета Держи меня р...
Lethe [Spanish translation]
Lete. Dame a beber del líquido que desvanece, y préstame el dulce bálsamo y la bendición del olvido, vacío y fuerte. [¡Lete, oh, Lete!] Sujétame junto...
Lethe [Turkish translation]
Unutkanlık İçmem için bana ver Dağılan sıvıyı Boş ve güçlü unutkanlığın Tatlı merhemini ve lütfunu ödünç ver bana [Unutkanlık Ah, unutkanlık] Beni yak...
Lost to Apathy lyrics
The unsaid tone of weak despair fail to resonate Frayed ends of our binding threads will disintegrate By laws our physique state Failure to communicat...
Merciless Fate lyrics
What if that image was taken In an instant erased from the world What if the truth is too far And your reality can't cope with the distance In the abs...
Midway Through Infinity lyrics
Wings of fire burn the night Slumbering eyes their flares shall greet Let the past cling on to its futile self And may the present rush for the future...
Mind Matters lyrics
You are all that matters in my private demonology Those who fail us now The sons of wishes The bastard child of dream Enemies of hope Let it be gone I...
Misery in Me lyrics
We no longer support ourselves We live through each others tears We no longer caress, no longer take hold Til this will be over again The dream is ove...
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