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She Wants Revenge lyrics
A Hundred Kisses lyrics
Shake off the rain and dry off Come inside tonight You don't have to be alone You don't have to be alone You've got the prettiest face that I ever did...
A Hundred Kisses [Italian translation]
Scrollati la pioggia di dosso e asciugati Vieni dentro stanotte Non devi stare da sola Non devi stare da sola Hai il più bel viso che io abbia mai vis...
Animal Attraction lyrics
Seen you walkin'... Across the floor You caught my eye Dirty fishnets Bright red lips My favorite kind With a look that says Keep your distance But no...
Animal Attraction [Greek translation]
Κοιτώντας σε να προχωράς Κατά μήκος του πατώματος Μου τράβηξες την προσοχή Πρόστυχο διχτυωτό καλσόν Έντονα κόκκινα χείλη Το καλύτερό μου Με ένα ύφος π...
Animal Attraction [Russian translation]
Видел, как ты шла по полу. Ты зацепила меня. Грязные сети. Ярко-красные губы. Мой любимый тип. Взгляд, говорящий «Сохраняй дистанцию, Но не слишком бо...
Big Love lyrics
[Verse 1] Let's drive tonight Out on the road Don't know where we're going But it feels alright In every turn Feel the heat from the ground Like we're...
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics
Pay attention my love cause its over At the tip of my tongue is the price you weren't willing to pay Still this is something akin to a breakdown And y...
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts [French translation]
Écoute bien, mon amour, car c'est terminé Le prix que tu n'étais pas prête à payer est sur le bout de ma langue C'est quand même quelque chose qui res...
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts [Greek translation]
Δώσε προσοχή αγάπη μου επειδή έχει τελειώσει Στη κορυφή της γλώσσας μου είναι το τίμημα που δεν ήσουν πρόθυμη να πληρώσεις Ακόμη υπάρχει κάτι που μοιά...
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts [Italian translation]
Presta attenzione amore mio perché è finita Sulla punta della mia lingua c'è il prezzo che tu non sei stata disposta a pagare Questo è di nuovo qualco...
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts [Turkish translation]
Dikkatinin ver sevgilim, çünkü (aramızdaki) bitti Ödemek istemediğin bedel dilimin ucunda. Yine de bir çöküntü gibi bir şey bu. Ve senin kadınlığını g...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love lyrics
I would like to tell you, I would like to say That I knew that this would happen That things would go this way But I cannot deceive you, this was neve...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [Croatian translation]
Želio bih ti reći, želio bih kazati da sam znao da će se ovo desiti, da će stvari krenuti ovim putem. Ali ne mogu te zavaravati, ovo nije bilo planira...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [French translation]
J'aimerais te dire, j'aimerais dire Que je savais que ça arriverait Que je savais que les choses en arriveraient là Mais je ne peux pas te duper, ceci...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [Greek translation]
Θα ήθελα να σου πω, θα ήθελα να πω Ότι ήξερα πως αυτό θα συνέβαινε Ότι τα πράγματα θα γινόντουσαν έτσι Αλλά δεν μπορώ να σε εξαπατήσω, αυτό δεν ήταν π...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [Italian translation]
Vorrei raccontarti, vorrei dire Che sapevo che sarebbe successo questo Che le cose sarebbero andate così Ma non posso mentirti, tutto ciò non è mai st...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [Russian translation]
Я бы хотел тебе сказать, я хотел бы рассказать: Я знал, что всё это случится, Что всё вот так вот кончится. Но я не могу тебя обманывать, это не было ...
I Don't Want To Fall In Love [Spanish translation]
Quisiera contarte, quisiera decir que sabía que esto pasaría, que las cosas irían por este rumbo pero no puedo engañarte, esto nunca fue planeado sé q...
It's Just Begun lyrics
Someone's gonna fall in love in here tonight, Someone's gonna let their guard down One last time. Maybe they once locked eyes, Perhaps they just decid...
It's Just Begun [French translation]
Quelqu'un tombera amoureux ici ce soir Quelqu'un baissera sa garde Une dernière fois Peut-être se sont-ils déjà regardés dans les yeux Peut-être qu'il...
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