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Miracle of Sound lyrics
The Path lyrics
[Verse 1] Long roads through the raging days Walked the world upon my wary way Bestowed with the blade and phrase Far too long I’ve been a lonesome st...
The Path [Hungarian translation]
[Vers 1] Hosszú utak a tomboló napokon át Jártam a világot óvatos utamon A pengével és a beszéddel megajándékozva Túl sokáig voltam magányos kóborló E...
The Savage Side Of Me lyrics
As the rain it sways in the old monsoon And the pain it preys on an open wound It's cold, it's cold, it's cold Gotta break the stranglehold I have sea...
The Spy Who Survived lyrics
Out on the old moors The clouds gather round A memory gold, pure In grand barren ground You'll make a stand A life in your hands When the betrayed com...
The Tale Of Cú Chulainn lyrics
In the sodden snow of the Irish hills Was born a Tuatha's child With a fighting heart and immortal skill And a spirit fiery and wild Through a prophec...
Through Life And Loss lyrics
The streets spin shimmers And the walls they curl The grip of greed it reigns There's just one track to lead this moving train The price of progress i...
Through Life And Loss [Bulgarian translation]
Улиците треперят страстно и стените галят смело Алчността владее денят Върви влакът към срамната си цел Светът умира от прогресът Верността е приятел ...
Thunder's Theme lyrics
Bayum Bitch! Legend of Thunder Legend of Thunder Noobs hit the floor When they hear that Thunder roar Bayum Bitch! Legend of Thunder Legend of Thunder...
Trip To Vegas lyrics
[Verse 1] I'm gonna take a trip to Vegas With my two favourite friends I got my point-four-four and bullets galore And caps a-plenty to spend I got th...
Uncivil War lyrics
Get ready for war! Pedal to the floor... Got no code of honour that I’m fightin' for UNCIVIL WAR!! Chav my tongue up in your face!! Start the betting....
Upside Down lyrics
[Verse 1] When night is falling And all the lights they flicker, fade Reflections crawl through the mirrors A distant calling A hum inside the current...
Valhalla Calling lyrics
Ships on vigor of the waves are skimming Barren summits to the verdant plains Each horizon is a new beginning Rise and reign Far from the fjords and t...
Valhalla Calling [Arabic translation]
سفن تقشط من الأمواج القوية قمم قاحلة إلى السهول الخضراء كلُّ الأفق هي بداية جديدة فنهض وحكم بعيدًا عن المضايق والتيارات الجليدية الباردة غربان تحلق فو...
Valhalla Calling [Bulgarian translation]
Кораби по морето смели плават Стари храмове и зелени поля Всеки хоризонт е ново начало Възход и власт Далече от фиордите и ледените бризове Гарвани ца...
Valhalla Calling [French translation]
Les navires écumants sur la vigueur des lames Des sommets arides aux plaines verdoyantes Chaque horizon est un nouveau commencement Lève-toi et régner...
Valhalla Calling [German translation]
Schiffe gleiten auf dem Schwung der Wellen Kahle Gipfel zu den grünen Ebenen Jeder Horizont ist ein neuer Anfang Erhebt euch und herrscht Fern von den...
Valhalla Calling [Hungarian translation]
Vad hullámokat törő hajók Kopár csúcsoktól a zöldellő mezőkig, Minden horizont egy új kezdet, Emelkedj fel és uralkodj Messze a fjordoktól és a fagyos...
Valhalla Calling [Italian translation]
Sul vigore delle onde, navi stanno scorrendo Dalle cime aride alle pianure verdeggianti Ogni orizzonte è un nuovo inizio Ascendere e regnare Lontano d...
Valhalla Calling [Polish translation]
Morskie rumaki mkną po wielorybim szlaku Od domen wilczych po równie zielone Każdy kraj nowym świtem jest Powstań i rządź Z dalekich fiordów i lodowyc...
Valhalla Calling [Russian translation]
На гребнях волн скользят драккары, Опустошая зелень равнин. Каждый горизонт очередное начало. Сражайся и воцарись! Вдаль от фьордов, ледяных течений. ...
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