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Miracle of Sound lyrics
The Crush lyrics
Drifting On a wave of devastation Plunge into the frenzied sea My mind is open in this shell so violent and vast Fall into fear, don't let me lose mys...
The Day The World Died lyrics
The day the world died We disappeared Past rusted turnstiles We persevere The wheels of conflict Still move and turn The day the world died Nothing wa...
The Day The World Died [German translation]
An dem Tag, an dem die Welt starb Verschwanden wir Hinter verrosteten Drehkreuzen Verharren wir Die Räder des Konflikts Drehen sich immer noch An dem ...
The Dead Don’t Shuffle [They Run] lyrics
Go! [Verse 1] We got a hell of problem We got a hell of a mess Caught in the glare of the cold dead stare Do ya think that you can handle the stress? ...
The Death Of Rock ‘N’ Roll lyrics
Come on down to the city at night And see how the people cry Wish away the time To the rhythm and rhyme Of a lifeless lullaby And everybody wants for ...
The Great Unknown lyrics
[Verse 1] Open eyes The longest sleep The furthest leap A new sunrise Look up, look up to see Pioneers It’s been so long Since we’ve been gone But we ...
The Great Unknown [Bulgarian translation]
(Стих 1) Отворени очи Най-дългият сън Скок към своята съдба Нов изгрев Погледнете, погледнете Пионери Толкоз дълго Откакто ни нямаше Но все пак сме ту...
The Grind lyrics
GRIND! [Verse 1] I was born a simple man Educated just to fight But I got soul, I got conviction And a will to put things right We lived our lives on ...
The Lucky Ones lyrics
[Verse 1] Dull windows deliver no lights Under the soft cinders, the dimming of life We crawl in cold canyons, deep cuts between The giants still stan...
The Man Who Rocked The World lyrics
Little Sophia Strange in ‘73 Her daddy’s yelling tirades at the TV Hey man be cool!! Sweeping the screen - rebel freak with a twist A skinny genie com...
The Mind Of The Bat lyrics
Riddle me this now, riddle me that Does anyone really know the mind of the Bat? I live in the shadows, I work in the shade A cape and a mask, a lonely...
Miracle of Sound - The Moment
[Verse 1] I’ve gazed across the waves Beyond the shores that hold me I’ve watched the mountains fall In stories that they told Ever fixed Ever firm Re...
The Moment [German translation]
[Vers 1] Ich habe über die Wellen geschaut Jenseits der Ufer, die mich halten Ich habe die Berge fallen sehen In Geschichten, die man erzählte Immer v...
The Natural Heart lyrics
A fading neon gleam casts shadows over stone The city’s shining skin is shedding from the bone I’ve gone from pillar to pariah in the slide In seas of...
The Natural Heart [Spanish translation]
Un tenue destello de neón crea sombras en las piedras Los huesos de la ciudad mudan su piel brillante He pasado de pilar a paria en la cuesta En mares...
The New Black Gold lyrics
A glaring neon glow illuminates this street Breathe in these human vapors, sweat and heavy heat Hi-tech cathedrals rise and fall in great ravines Colo...
The New Black Gold [Russian translation]
Улицу озаряют неоновые огни Здесь запах пота, бесконечной духоты Храм одних технологий пал, а иной достиг новых вершин Теперь мы так близки к богам, ч...
The New Black Gold [Spanish translation]
Un deslumbrante brillo del neón ilumina esta calle Inhala estos vapores humanos, sudor y pesado calor Desfiladeros formados por catedrales de alta tec...
The New Black Gold 2013 lyrics
A glaring neon glow illuminates this street Breathe in these human vapors, sweat and heavy heat Hi-tech cathedrals rise and fall in great ravines Colo...
The New Black Gold 2013 [Bulgarian translation]
Светещ неон осветява старият Берлин Човешки дъх закрива старият Еден Хай–теч Катедрали имат възход пред светът Паметник на човешкият свят миролюбив Тя...
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