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Incubus lyrics
Black Heart Inertia lyrics
Walking alone tonight 'Cause I've only got room for two. Me and my burdened black heart, It's all we know how to do. Yet I look for a bigger bang Than...
Blood on the Ground lyrics
I don't want to talk to you anymore I'm afraid of what I might say I bite my tongue everytime you come around Cause blood in my mouth beats blood on t...
Calgone lyrics
On my way home, police car pulled me over. After they left, I puttered out of gas. 'Triple-A' came, but my card was expired! I had to walk home, and o...
Circles lyrics
You saw me lost and treading water, I looked pathetic, I looked as helpless as a stinger without a bee But underneath my presentation, (yeah.) I knew ...
Clean lyrics
Today, everything was fine Until roundabout, quarter to nine I suddenly found myself in a bind Was it something I said? Something I read and manifeste...
Consequence lyrics
Blink and you miss a beat. Keep one of your eyes open at all times. Think that you're on the brink? The shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan. Consequ...
Deep Inside lyrics
It's 3 o'clock, and we ask ourselves Where are we now? It seems we've wondered out of bounds again (Over and over we, ask ourselves why we don't, Util...
Defiance lyrics
You almost had me there It was the batting lashes that gave you away You're bold beyond repair And there's and absence today, Of defiance, our most aw...
Diamonds and Coal lyrics
If it's good to complicate, then both of us are doing fine Just keep your eyes on your part and leave me alone to mine If it's good to instigate, we'r...
Dig lyrics
We all have a weakness But some of ours are easy to identify. Look me in the eye And ask for forgiveness; We'll make a pact to never speak that word a...
Dig [Polish translation]
Każdy z nas ma słabość Lecz niektóre z nich łatwo rozpoznać Spójrz mi w oczy I proś o wybaczenie Zawrzemy układ, że nigdy więcej nie wypowiemy tego sł...
Dig [Spanish translation]
Todos tenemos una debilidad Pero algunas de las nuestras son fáciles de identificar Mírame a los ojos Y pide perdón Haremos un pacto para nunca decir ...
Dig [Turkish translation]
Hepimizin bir güçsüzlüğü var Ama bazılarımızınkini farketmek daha kolay. Gözlerimin içine bak, ve özür dile O kelimeyi tekrar kullanmamak için söz ver...
Drive lyrics
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty, stinging clear And I can't help but ask myself How much I let the fear Take the wheel and steer It's driven...
Drive [Croatian translation]
Ponekad osjećam jasno kako me strah od nesigurnosti bode I ne mogu si pomoći da se ne upitam koliko dozvoljavam strahu Da primi volan i upravlja Vozio...
Drive [Finnish translation]
Joskus tunnen epävarmuuden pelon pistävän selvästi Enkä voi kuin kysyä itseltäni Kuinka paljon annan pelon Tarttua rattiin ja ohjata Se on ajanut minu...
Drive [German translation]
Manchmal fühle ich der Furcht von der Unsicherheit klar stechen Und ich kann nicht anders, als frage mich wieviel die Furcht ich lasse Nimm das Rad un...
Drive [Romanian translation]
Uneori, simt frica de incertitudine înţepând clar Și nu pot să mă întreb, cât de mult am lăsat frica Luați roata și condu M-a condus înainte Și pare s...
Drive [Russian translation]
Иногда я ясно ощущаю страх жалящей неопределенности. И я не могу не спросить себя, как долго я еще я буду позволять страху Брать руль и направлять мен...
Drive [Spanish translation]
A veces, siento el temor de la inseguridad hiriendo claramente todo. Y no puedo dejar de preguntarme en qué momento dejé que el temor tomara el volant...
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