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Gossip lyrics
Light Light Sleep lyrics
An honour is still held high Through the corruption of this poisoned earth A pride that will never die March to the end knowing we may never win Watch...
Listen Up! lyrics
Ooh oh ooh oh I warned you, you didn't believe me I warned you, you didn't believe me I warned you, you didn't believe me I warned you, and now you're...
Love And Let Love lyrics
There are pictures of me Around your room You come on strong Too much too soon And unfortunately I'm not amused Don't get me wrong Don't get confused ...
Love And Let Love [German translation]
Da sind Bilder von mir in deinem Zimmer Du gehst es schnell an Zu sehr, zu früh Und leider bin ich nicht amüsiert Verstehe mich nicht falsch, Gerate n...
Love In A Foreign Place lyrics
I put my make up on and Head for the other side of town With my dress from the night before Fading the countdown Outside a sea of people forming Walki...
Love Long Distance lyrics
Call yourself a romantic Let me explain Been Across the whole Atlantic And back again I had it with your antics Your childish games Baby I call your n...
Love Long Distance [Spanish translation]
Dices que eres romántico, "Déjame explicarte, estuve cruzando el Atlántico" Y otra vez lo mismo, ya me cansé de tus payasadas y de tus juegos infantil...
Melody Emergency lyrics
You got a head on your shoulders You got a bone on your back So you’re not a rock and roller And there is nothing wrong with that I’m ready in the pic...
Men In Love lyrics
Shame, shame, shame Ooooh I, I, I, I, shame, shame, shame I haven't felt this way Since I was seventeen You know what I mean Guilty of love in the fir...
Men In Love [Hungarian translation]
Szégyen, szégyen, szégyen Óóóó én, én, én, én, gyalázat, gyalázat, gyalázat Nem éreztem így Mióta tizenhét voltam Tudod, hogy értem A szerelem főbűnös...
Move In The Right Direction lyrics
One step closer, I’m feeling fine Getting better one day at a time I’m moving forward with all of my might I’m heading toward a new state of mind So I...
Move In The Right Direction [French translation]
Un pas de plus, je me sens bien Allant mieux jour après jour Je vais de l'avant de toutes mes forces Je progresse vers un nouvel état d'esprit Alors j...
Move In The Right Direction [German translation]
Ein Schritt näher, ich fühle mich gut. Es wird von Tag zu Tag besser. Ich bewege mich mit aller Kraft vorwärts. Ich steuere auf einen neuen Geisteszus...
Move In The Right Direction [Greek translation]
Ένα σκαλί κοντινότερα, αισθάνομαι καλά Γίνομαι καλύτερα μια μέρα τη φορά Κινούμαι μπροστά με όλη μου τη δύναμη Είμαι κατευθυνόμενη σε μια νέα ψυχική κ...
Move In The Right Direction [Hungarian translation]
Egy lépéssel közelebb, jól érzem magam, napról-napra jobban vagyok. Minden erőmmel előre felé haladok, egy új szemlélet felé veszem az irányt. Hát vis...
Move In The Right Direction [Russian translation]
Шаг вперед, со мной все в порядке. С каждым днем становлюсь все лучше. Я стремлюсь в будущее изо всех сил И пытаюсь забыть свои старые мысли. Так что ...
Move In The Right Direction [Spanish translation]
Un paso más cerca, me siento bien, mejoro al vivir el día a día. Estoy avanzando con toda mis fuerzas, voy hacia una nueva mentalidad. Entonces, reten...
Move In The Right Direction [Turkish translation]
Bir adım ileri, iyi hissediyorum Her gün biraz daha iyiye gidiyorum Tüm gücümle ileri gidiyorum Yeni bir ruh haline yönlendim Böylece gözyaşlarımı tut...
Nite lyrics
Last night Last night You came to my house around three or four times It seems like lonely is a friend of mine Last night Last night Last night Last n...
No, No, No lyrics
Say no, no, no, no, no Say no, no, no, no, no Say no, no, no, no, no I say no, no, no, no, no Before you leave, yeah, close the door before you leave,...
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