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Loïc Nottet lyrics
Mud Blood [Turkish translation]
Şeytanlarımız var Kanımızda sıkışmış şeytanlarımız var Evet, kalbimizde ilaçlarımız var Evet, özgür olmak için çamur yiyoruz Şeytanlarımız var Kanımız...
On Fire lyrics
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [French translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [German translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Italian translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Russian translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Serbian translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
On Fire [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] There was a little boy Too different to belong Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh) Laying on the ground He said that all in' down...
Peculiar And Beautiful lyrics
What is a mirror? What does it tell us? Lies? Truth? What is it reflecting? What we are? What we want to see? I know nothing more capricious than a mi...
Peculiar And Beautiful [French translation]
Qu'est-ce qu'un miroir? Qu'est-ce que cela nous raconte ? Les mensonges ? Les vérités ? Qu'est-ce que cela reflète ? Ce que nous sommes ? Ce que nous ...
Peculiar And Beautiful [Greek translation]
Τι είναι ο καθρέφτης; Τι μας λέει; Ψέματα? Αλήθεια? Τι αντανακλά; Αυτό που είμαστε? Τι θέλουμε να δούμε; Δεν γνωρίζω τίποτα πιο αστατο από έναν καθρέφ...
Peculiar And Beautiful [Hungarian translation]
Mi a tükör? Mit mond nekünk? Hazugságokat? Vagy az igazat? Mire emlékeztet? Mik vagyunk? Mit akarunk látni? Nem ismerek a tükörnél szeszélyesebb dolgo...
Peculiar And Beautiful [Polish translation]
Czym jest lustro? Co nam mówi? Kłamstwa? Prawdę? Co ono odbija? Czym jesteśmy? Co chcemy zobaczyć? Nie znam niczego bardziej kapryśnego niż lustro. On...
Peculiar And Beautiful [Russian translation]
Что такое зеркало? Что оно нам говорит? Ложь? Правду? Что оно отражает? Кто мы есть? Что мы хотим видеть? Я не знаю ничего более капризного, чем зерка...
Poison lyrics
You never succeed Anything It's not good enough I need perfection How can you achieve The things you believe? Your aim is too high It's hopeless You'l...
Poison [French translation]
Tu ne réussis jamais Rien Ce n'est pas assez bon J'ai besoin de perfection Comment peux-tu réussir Les choses auxquelles tu crois? Ton but est trop ha...
Poison [Russian translation]
Ты никогда успехов не достиг Ни в чем Это не совсем хорошо Мне нужно совершенство Как можешь ты добиться Того во что ты веришь? Твоя цель слишком высо...
Poison [Turkish translation]
Asla başarılı olmuyorsun Hiçbir şeyde Yeteri kadar iyi değil Mükemmelliğe ihtiyacım var Nasıl elde edebilirsin İnandığın şeyleri? Hedefin çok yüksek B...
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