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Thirty Seconds to Mars lyrics
Anarchy in Tokyo [French translation]
Here, the moment of truth It comes in the air It's always the same, it's so insane. You cover your eyes you fall inside before it begins it's over. Cr...
Anarchy in Tokyo [IPA translation]
Here, the moment of truth It comes in the air It's always the same, it's so insane. You cover your eyes you fall inside before it begins it's over. Cr...
Anarchy in Tokyo [Polish translation]
Here, the moment of truth It comes in the air It's always the same, it's so insane. You cover your eyes you fall inside before it begins it's over. Cr...
Anarchy in Tokyo [Turkish translation]
Here, the moment of truth It comes in the air It's always the same, it's so insane. You cover your eyes you fall inside before it begins it's over. Cr...
Attack lyrics
I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted Surrender to nothing, or give up what I Started and stopped it, from end to beginning A new day is com...
Attack [Croatian translation]
Neću patiti, biti slomljen, umoriti se ili se istrošiti Prepustiti se ničemu, ili obustati od onog što sam ja Počeo i zaustavio, od kraja do početka N...
Attack [Dutch translation]
Ik zal niet lijden, gebroken zijn, moe worden, of verspild Overgeven aan niets, of opgeven wat ik Startte en stopte het, van eind naar begin Een nieuw...
Attack [French translation]
Je ne veux pas souffrir, être anéanti, être fatigué, ou inutile Ne céder à rien, ou abandonner ce que j'ai commencé et arrêté, de la fin au début Un n...
Attack [French translation]
Je ne vais pas souffrir, ne vais pas être brisé, me fatiguer, ou me saoûler Me rendre pour rien, ou abandonner ce que j'ai commencé, et arrêté, du déb...
Attack [German translation]
Ich werde nicht leiden, gebrochen sein, müde werden, oder verbraucht Mich nichts ergeben, oder aufgeben was ich Begonnen und beendet habe, von Ende bi...
Attack [Greek translation]
Δεν θα υποφέρω, σπάσω, κουραστώ, ή σπαταληθώ παραδοθώ στο τίποτα, ή εγκαταλείψω αυτό που είμαι Ξεκίνησε και σταμάτησε, από το τέλος προς την αρχή Μια ...
Attack [Hungarian translation]
Nem fogok szenvedni, megtörni, elfáradni, vagy elpocsékolni Feladni a semmiért, vagy feladni amit Elkezdtem és befejeztem, a végétől a kezdetekig Egy ...
Attack [IPA translation]
aɪ woʊnt ˈsʌfər, bi ˈbroʊkən, gɛt ˈtaɪərd, ɔr ˈweɪstəd səˈrɛndər tu ˈnʌθɪŋ, aɪl gɪv ʌp wʌt aɪ ˈstɑrtəd ænd stɑp ðɪs, frʌm ɛnd tu bɪˈgɪnɪŋ ə nu deɪ ɪz ...
Attack [Italian translation]
Non soffrirò, non sarò a pezzi, non mi stancherò, o sciuperò Non mi arrenderò a nulla, o abbandonerò ciò che ho Iniziato e fermato, dalla fine all'ini...
Attack [Kurdish [Sorani] translation]
من ئازار ناكێشم ، شكست ناهێنم ، ماندوو نابم ، وە یا كاتم بەفێڕۆ نادەم بۆ هیچ شتێك خۆم بەدەستەوە نادەم ، وە یا دەستبەردارى ئەوە بم كە من كێم من ئەمەم د...
Attack [Persian translation]
من زجر نمیكشم ، شكستە نمیشم ، خستە نمیشم ، یا وقتم تلف نمیكنم تسلیم هیچ چیزی نمیشم ، یا دستبردار این نمیشم كە كى هستم من اینو اغاز كردم وبە پایانش میر...
Attack [Polish translation]
Nie będę cierpiał, nie będę załamany, wykończony, czy zmarnowany Poddany nicości, i nie odpuszczę tego co Zacząłem i skończyłem, od końca do początku ...
Attack [Portuguese translation]
Eu não vou sofrer, ser destruído, ficar cansado, ou arruinado Não vou me entregar a nada, ou desistir do que Comecei ou parei, do fim ao início Um nov...
Attack [Romanian translation]
Nu voi suferi, nu voi fi zdrobit, nu voi obosi şi nu mă voi irosi, Nu mă dau bătut pentru nimic sau să renunţ ceea ce Am început şi oprit, de la sfârş...
Attack [Russian translation]
Не хочу быть сломленным, уставшим, никчёмным Ненужным, без цели, и кинувшим что я Начал, закончил, с конца до начала Но новый день всходит, и свободен...
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