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Thirty Seconds to Mars lyrics
Night of the Hunter [Romanian translation]
Am fost născut în pântecul unei otrăvitoare vrajă Bătut şi distrus şi gonit din vizuină Dar m-am ridicat deasupra,priveşte sus şi vei vedea Am fost sp...
Night of the Hunter [Spanish translation]
Yo nací de el vientre de un hechizo venenoso Golpeado y roto y sacado de la guarida Pero yo subo sobre ello, alto sobre ello y veo Me colgaron del arb...
Night of the Hunter [Turkish translation]
Zehirli bir büyünün rahminde doğdum. Dövülmüş, kırılmış ve adadan kovulmuş. Ama üzerine yükseleceğim, yüksek olacağım ve göreceğim Zayıfın dilinden ya...
Northern Lights lyrics
Don’t ever take a single second to breathe They’re gonna send me on a murdering spree I cannot wait to dance upon your grave They don’t even have a so...
Northern Lights [French translation]
Ne prends jamais même une seule seconde pour respirer Ils vont m'envoyer sur une frénésie meurtrière J'ai tellement hâte de danser sur ta tombe Ils n'...
Northern Lights [Persian translation]
هرگز واسه نفس کشیدن یه ثانیه هم وقت نذار اونها منو به یه کشتار تمام عیار میفرستن دیگه یه ثانیه هم واسه پای کوبی رو قبرت نمیتونم صبر کنم اونها حتی روحی...
Northern Lights [Serbian translation]
Nikada ne uzimaj jedan trenutak da udahneš Poslaće me na pijanku ubistva Ne mogu da dočekam da plešem oko tvog groba Oni čak nemaju ni dušu ostavljenu...
Oblivion lyrics
The enemy arrives Escape into the night Everybody run now Everybody run now Break into another time This enemy of mine Divinity defines Everybody run ...
Oblivion [French translation]
L'ennemi approche, Échappons-nous sous le couvert de la nuit Que tout le monde court maintenant, Que tout le monde court maintenant, Qu'on arrive dans...
Oblivion [Polish translation]
Wróg przybywa Uciekaj w objęcia nocy Wszyscy natychmiast uciekajcie Wszyscy natychmiast uciekajcie Przenieście się w inną rzeczywistość To mój wróg Od...
Oblivion [Russian translation]
Враг приближается. Сбежим под покровом ночи. Бегите сейчас же, Бегите сейчас же Ворвитесь в другую реальность. Этот враг — мой. Как Бог определил. Бег...
Occam's Razor lyrics
Holy roller It's your reality I've seen the people that they've branded They always come out open handed Come to the mother-ship - it's landing They'r...
Occam's Razor [Polish translation]
Holy roller It's your reality I've seen the people that they've branded They always come out open handed Come to the mother-ship - it's landing They'r...
Old Blues Song lyrics
I made love to my enemy. Wandering by the battlefield oh no no. There's no place I'd rather be. I will admit I'm guilty as you want me to be. Oh Lord,...
Old Blues Song [Italian translation]
I made love to my enemy. Wandering by the battlefield oh no no. There's no place I'd rather be. I will admit I'm guilty as you want me to be. Oh Lord,...
Old Blues Song [Polish translation]
I made love to my enemy. Wandering by the battlefield oh no no. There's no place I'd rather be. I will admit I'm guilty as you want me to be. Oh Lord,...
Old Blues Song [Spanish translation]
I made love to my enemy. Wandering by the battlefield oh no no. There's no place I'd rather be. I will admit I'm guilty as you want me to be. Oh Lord,...
One Track Mind lyrics
Love is like problems We all got 'em A dark night, remember The sunrise, surrender There isn't any other way There isn't any other way Hands tied, rem...
One Track Mind [Finnish translation]
Rakkaus on kuin ongelma meillä kaikilla on niitä Tumma yö, muista Auringonnousu, antaudu Ei ole muuta keinoa Ei ole muuta keinoa Kädet sidottuina, mui...
Phase 1: Fortification lyrics
We will fight Fortify We won't crash into oblivion We will climb Undeny We will draw our own conclusions From this time I need some kind of release I ...
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