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Thirty Seconds to Mars lyrics
From Yesterday [Swedish translation]
Han är en främling för somliga Ingalunda en vision Han får aldrig nog Får aldrig nog av den enda För en förmögenhet skulle han sluta Men det är svårt ...
From Yesterday [Turkish translation]
O bazılarına yabancı Ve kimseyi görmüyor Hiç yeterli olamıyor Yeterli biri olamıyor Şansa bıraktı Ama itiraf etmek zor Nasıl başladığını ve bittiğini ...
Great Wide Open lyrics
Is this life? That we're living Say the prayers of a thousand tongues Is this love? Some new beginning Or a night of our wildest dreams Into the great...
Hail To The Victor lyrics
Another life, another love Another kill, another drug Another touch, another taste Oh, oh, oh Another night, another war Another "what are we fighting...
Hail To The Victor [Greek translation]
Άλλη ζωή, άλλη αγάπη Άλλος φόνος, άλλο ναρκωτικό Άλλο άγγιγμα, άλλη γεύση Ω, ω, ω Άλλη νύχτα, άλλος πόλεμος Άλλο "για τι παλεύουμε;" Ακόμα ένας χάθηκε...
Hail To The Victor [Russian translation]
Ещё одна жизнь, ещё одна любовь. Ещё одно убийство, ещё один наркотик. Ещё одно касание, ещё один вкус. О, о, о. Ещё одна ночь, ещё одна война. Ещё од...
Hallelujah lyrics


Praise to the brave and insane


Blessed the crazed to remain...

Hallelujah [Polish translation]


Praise to the brave and insane


Blessed the crazed to remain...

Hang me down lyrics
Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will die without a sound Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will sing whol...
Hang me down [French translation]
Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will die without a sound Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will sing whol...
Hang me down [Polish translation]
Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will die without a sound Hang me down, by the river bed, with the other dead, I will sing whol...
Heaven can wait lyrics
One night, one night to change your life. One love, one love to lose your mind. Heaven can wait, this I know. Heaven can wait, it's not time to go......
Heaven can wait [French translation]
One night, one night to change your life. One love, one love to lose your mind. Heaven can wait, this I know. Heaven can wait, it's not time to go......
Heaven can wait [Greek translation]
One night, one night to change your life. One love, one love to lose your mind. Heaven can wait, this I know. Heaven can wait, it's not time to go......
Heaven can wait [Polish translation]
One night, one night to change your life. One love, one love to lose your mind. Heaven can wait, this I know. Heaven can wait, it's not time to go......
Heaven can wait [Spanish translation]
One night, one night to change your life. One love, one love to lose your mind. Heaven can wait, this I know. Heaven can wait, it's not time to go......
Hunter lyrics
f travel is searching And home what's been found I'm not stopping I'm going hunting I'm the hunter I'll bring back the goods But i don't know when I t...
Hunter [Croatian translation]
Ako je putovanje-traženje I dom-ono što je nađeno Ja ne stajem Idem u lov Ja sam lovac Vratit ću se s ulovom Ali neznam kad Mislio sam da mogu organiz...
Hunter [French translation]
Si le voyage est la recherche Et que chez-soi est ce qui a été trouvé Je n'arrête pas Je m'en vais chasser Je suis le chasseur Je ramènerai les provis...
Hunter [Polish translation]
Jeśli podróż jest poszukiwaniem A dom tym co zostało odnalezione Nie poprzestanę Idę na polowanie Jestem łowcą Przywrócę wszystkie dobra Ale nie wiem ...
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