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Thirty Seconds to Mars also performed lyrics
Where the Streets Have No Name lyrics
I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name ...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Croatian translation]
Želim pobjeći, želim se sakriti Želim srušiti zidove koji me drže unutra Želim dosegnuti i dodirnuti plamen Gdje ulice nemaju imena Želim osjetiti sun...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Czech translation]
Chci utíkat Chci se skrýt Chci strhnout stěny, které mě drží uvnitř. Chci vztáhnout ruku a dotknout se ohně, tam, kde ulice nemají jména Chci cítit sl...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Dutch translation]
Ik wil rennen Ik wil me verbergen Ik wil de muren die mij binnenhouden neerhalen Ik wil een greep doen En de vlam aanraken Daar waar straten geen naam...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Dutch translation]
Ik wil rennen Ik wil me verstoppen Ik wil de muren neerslaan Die me vasthouden van binnen En ik wil me uitstrekken En de vlam aanraken Waar de straten...
Where the Streets Have No Name [French translation]
Je veux courir Je veux me cacher Casser tous les murs Qui m'enferment Je veux atteindre l'extérieur Et toucher les flammes- La où les rues n'ont pas d...
Where the Streets Have No Name [German translation]
Ich will rennen Ich will mich verstecken Ich will die Mauern einreißen Die mich innen zusammenhalten Ich will mich ausstrecken Und die Flamme berühren...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Greek translation]
Θέλω να χαθώ Θέλω να κρυφτώ τα τείχη θέλω να γκρεμίσω που με κρατούν εδώ Θέλω να κυνηγήσω τη φλόγα ν' αγγίσω Όπου'ν' ανώνυμοι οι οδοί Θέλω τον ήλιο να...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Hungarian translation]
Futni akarok El akarok bújni Le akarom rombolni a falakat Amik bent tartanak El akarom érni Megérinteni a lángot Ahol az utcáknak nincs neve Ha..ha..h...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Italian translation]
Voglio correre Voglio nascondermi Voglio buttar giù i muri che dentro mi trattengono Voglio allungare la mano e toccare la fiamma dove le strade non h...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Portuguese translation]
Eu quero correr Eu quero me esconder Dá vontade de destruir as paredes Que me prendem aqui dentro Eu quero conhecer o lugar Onde as ruas não têm nome ...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Romanian translation]
[ Uimitor har {Cântec religios anglo-saxon} Snippet Uimitor har, ce sunet dulce, Asta a salvat un netrebnic ca mine. Odată am fost pierdut, Dar acum a...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Romanian translation]
Vreau să alerg, Vreau să mă ascund Vreau să dărâm zidurile Care mă ţin înăuntru. Vreau să mă întind Şi să ating flacăra Acolo unde străzile nu poartă ...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Russian translation]
Хочу убежать, Хочу я спастись И стены убрать, Что держат внутри. Хочу прикоснуться К горячей руке Где у улиц названий нет Хочу ощутить я свет на лице,...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Russian translation]
Я хочу убежать, Я хочу спрятаться, Я хочу сломать стены, Которые сдерживают меня. Я хочу протянуть руку И коснуться пламени. Там, где улицы не имеют н...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Serbian translation]
Hocu da trcim Hocu da se krijem Hocu da polomim ove zidove Koje me unutra drze Hocu da pruzim ruku I dotaknem plamen Tamo gdje ulice nemaju imena Hocu...
Where the Streets Have No Name [Spanish translation]
Quiero correr quiero esconderme quiero destruir las paredes que me contienen quiero llegar y tocar la flama donde las calles no tienen nombre Quiero s...
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