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Andy Black lyrics
Beautiful Pain lyrics
Your life was a shooting star That burned out way too fast And all the memories of The dream that's built to last Don't want to wait, want to wait Wan...
Beautiful Pain [French translation]
Ta vie était une étoile filante Qui a brûlé son chemin trop vite Et tous les souvenirs D'un rêve qui est construit pour durer Je ne veux pas attendre,...
Beautiful Pain [Greek translation]
Η ζωή σου ήταν ένας διάττοντας αστέρας Που εξαντλήθηκε πολύ γρήγορα Και όλες οι αναμνήσεις από το όνειρο που είναι φτιαγμένο για να διαρκεί Δεν θέλω ν...
Beautiful Pain [Greek translation]
Η ζωή σου ήταν σαν πεφταστέρι Το οποίο έσβησε πάρα πολύ γρήγορα Και όλες οι αναμνήσεις από Το όνειρο, το όποιο χτίστηκε για να διαρκέσει Δε θέλω να πε...
Beautiful Pain [Hungarian translation]
Az életed egy hullócsillag volt Ami túl gyorsan elégett És az összes emléke Egy álomnak ami tartósnak épült Nem akarom megvárni, akarom megvárni Megvá...
Beautiful Pain [Romanian translation]
Viața ta a fost o stea căzătoare Care a ars prea repede Şi toate amintirile Visului construit pentru a rezista Nu vreau să aştept,vreau să aştept Vrea...
Beautiful Pain [Turkish translation]
Hayatın çok hızlı yanan Bir kayan yıldız gibiydi Ve bu hayalin tüm anıları Sürmek için inşa edildi Beklemek istemiyorum, beklemek istemiyorum Sıradaki...
Break Your Halo lyrics
Life is the pain of the pictures in my mind The fear is the child I left behind I'm never ashamed of the scars you see across my face I'm only afraid ...
Break Your Halo [Turkish translation]
Hayat kafamdaki hayallerin acısı Korku geride bıraktığım çocuk Yüzümde ki yaralardan hiç utanmadım Tek korkumsa bu değişecek Benden üste çıkmaya çalış...
Broken Pieces lyrics
We all start with the beautiful Hope, pride and love It's never meant to feel so difficult Your dreams become your drug I'll give you something to bel...
Broken Pieces [Dutch translation]
Wij beginnen allemaal met het schone Hoop. trots en liefde Het moet nooit zo moeilijk aanvoelen Dat je dromen je peppil worden Ik zal je iets geven om...
Broken Pieces [Greek translation]
Όλοι ξεκινάμε με τα όμορφα ελπίδα,περηφάνια και αγάπη δεν είναι γραφτό να είναι τόσο δύσκολο τα ονειρά σου γίνονται το ναρκωτικό σου Θα σου δώσω κάτι ...
Broken Pieces [Turkish translation]
Hepimiz güzel başladık Umut,gurur ve sevgi Asla zor olacakmış gibi hissettirmedi Rüyaların ilacın haline geldi Sana inanman için bir şey vereceğim Asl...
Drown Me Out lyrics
Another morning breaks the shadow side of me It's like pulling thread until I fall apart They say to live with this song I have to sing It's the cross...
Drown Me Out [Greek translation]
Άλλη μία στιγμή καταστρέφεται, η σκιώδης μου πλευρά Είναι σαν να κρατιέμαι σε αυτή μέχρι να πέσω Λένε πως για να ζήσω με αυτό το τραγούδι πρέπει να τρ...
Drown Me Out [Hungarian translation]
Egy újabb reggel töri meg az árnyékos oldalam Mintha egy cérnát húznának, amíg szét nem esek Azt mondják, éljek együtt ezzel a dallal, amit énekelnem ...
Drown Me Out [Spanish translation]
Otro momento se rompe, la sombra a lado de mí Es como aferrarse a esta hasta que caiga Ellos dicen que viva con esta canción que tengo que cantar Es l...
Drown Me Out [Turkish translation]
Bir başka sabah daha gölgeli tarafını kırıyor Sanki beni dağılana kadar beni zincire çekecek Şarkıyla yaşa derler Söylemek zorundayım (şarkı) Kalbimin...
Feast or Famine lyrics
Making my plans to rule the world Driving alone on Bridgetown Road Cracks in the houses, shattered windows Covington was more like home Thunder in the...
Fire In My Mind lyrics
I walk in fields of ghosts, feeling the Earth come down around me The universe I know left me in pieces, locked away I dream that I'll forget someday ...
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