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David Cook lyrics
Permanent [Russian translation]
это лимомент когда(?) я смотрю в твои глаза? Прости мое разбитое (невыполненое )обещание, то что ты никогда не увидишь меня плачущим И все этонесомнен...
Permanent [Spanish translation]
Es este el momento cuando Te miro a los ojos? Discúlpame por la promesa rota que nunca me verás llorar Y seguro que todo Cambiará Aun si te digo que h...
Porcelain lyrics
I'll see what you want me to see Through rose-colored glasses I can't see the blood in my hand Now you're over, you're so over All over my head I pray...
Porcelain [French translation]
Je verrai ce que tu veux que je vois À travers des verres tintés de rose Je ne vois pas le sang dans ma main Mais tu es trop, tu es tellement trop Pou...
Rapid eye movement lyrics
Give me one more quiet night Before this loud morning gets it right And does me in Does this story have an ending? Cause I’m needing to escape And kil...
Rapid eye movement [Spanish translation]
Dame una tranquila noche más Antes de que esta ensordecedora mañana Lo entienda bien y me asesine ¿Tiene esta historia un final? Porque necesito escap...
Reds Turn Blue lyrics
Flip switch You got the killer itch Written on your bedroom walls Break back It's like a heart attack You're feeling that forever fall Look at you now...
Right here, with you lyrics
Everyone was watching you As everything just slipped away And all they ever wanted was The light you gave them You've always been the sweetest song An...
Right here, with you [Finnish translation]
Kaikki katselivat sinua Kun kaikki vain liukui pois Ja kaikki mitä he koskaan halusivat oli Se valo jonka heille annoit Olet aina ollut suloisin laulu...
Right here, with you [Spanish translation]
Todos te miraban Mientras todo simplemente se desvanecía Y todo lo que siempre quisieron Fue la luz que tú les diste Tú siempre has sido la canción má...
Take me as I am lyrics
This is no escape This is no surrender My dear This is my parade My happy ever after But only if you're here When I'm lost and broken (Chorus) Take me...
Take me as I am [Finnish translation]
Tämä ei ole pako Tämä ei ole antautuminen Rakkaani Tämä on paraatini Onnellinen loppuni Mutta vain jos sinä olet täällä Kun olen hukassa ja hajalla Ot...
Take me as I am [French translation]
Ce n'est pas un évasion Ce n'est pas une remise Ma chère C'est mon parade Mon de vivre un vrai conte de fées Mais seulement si tu es là Quand je suis ...
Take me as I am [Spanish translation]
Esto no significa que me esté escapando Esto no significa que me rinda Querida Esto será mi desfile Mi final feliz Pero solo si tú estás aquí Cuando e...
The last goodbye lyrics
If you hear this on the radio Then we've already said our last goodbye I won't be there when you get home By now there's someone else That hears you c...
The last goodbye [Finnish translation]
If you hear this on the radio Then we've already said our last goodbye I won't be there when you get home By now there's someone else That hears you c...
The last goodbye [Spanish translation]
If you hear this on the radio Then we've already said our last goodbye I won't be there when you get home By now there's someone else That hears you c...
This is not the last time lyrics
I remember When the world outside Was just a picture Where the colors came alive Nothing broken We were once so brave Then the ocean came And took it ...
This is not the last time [Finnish translation]
Muistan Kun maailma ulkona Oli pelkkä kuva Jossa värit heräsivät eloon Mikään ei ollut rikki Olimme aikoinaan niin rohkeita Sitten valtameri tuli Ja v...
This is not the last time [Spanish translation]
Recuerdo Cuando el mundo de allá afuera Era solo una imagen Donde los colores cobraron vida No había nada roto Alguna vez fuimos muy valientes Pero en...
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