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Florence + The Machine also performed lyrics
Halo lyrics
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Arabic translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Armenian translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Azerbaijani translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Bengali translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Bosnian translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Bulgarian translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Chinese translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Croatian translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Halo [Croatian translation]
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound I found a way to let...
Addicted to Love lyrics
Your lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, y...
Addicted to Love [Bosnian translation]
Svjetla su ti upaljena, ali nisi kod kuce tvoje misli nisu tvoje, srce ti lupa, tijelo ti se trese jos jedan poljubac je sve sto ti treba Ne mozes spa...
Addicted to Love [Finnish translation]
Valosi ovat päällä, mutta et ole kotona Mielesi ei ole sinun omasi Sydämesi hikoilee, kehosi tärisee Toinen suudelma on mitä tarvitaan Et voi nukkua, ...
Addicted to Love [French translation]
Les lumières sont allumées mais tu n'es pas chez toi Tu n'as plus la tête à toi Ton cœur saigne, ton corps tremble Un autre baiser, c'est ce qu'il te ...
Addicted to Love [German translation]
Das Licht ist an, aber du bist nicht zu Hause Du bist nicht bei Verstand Dein Herz schwitzt, dein Körper schüttelt sich Einen weiteren Kuss ist was du...
Addicted to Love [Greek translation]
Τα φώτα είναι αναμμένα αλλά δεν είσαι σπίτι Το μυαλό σου δεν σου ανήκει Η καρδιά σου ιδρώνει, το κορμί σου τρέμει Το μόνο που χρειάζεται είναι άλλο έν...
Addicted to Love [Romanian translation]
La tine sunt aprinse luminile, dar tu nu eşti acasă, Nu mai gândeşti limpede, Inima-ţi tresaltă, corpul îţi tremură, E nevoie de încă un sărut. Nu poţ...
Addicted to Love [Serbian translation]
Светла су ти упаљена, али ниси код куће, твоје мисли нису твоје, срце ти лупа, тело ти се тресе, још један пољубац је све што треба. Не можеш да спава...
Addicted to Love [Turkish translation]
Işıkların yanıyor, ama evde değilsin Aklın kendinin değil Kalbin terliyor, vücudun sallanıyor Başka bir öpücük onun istediği Uyuyamıyorsun, yiyemiyors...
Dog Days Are Over
Happiness hit her like a train on a track Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back She hid around corners and she hid under beds She killed it ...
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