Canto delle lavandaie del Vomero [English translation]
You promised me four handkerchiefs, oi handkerchiefs, oi handkerchiefs!
Yes, I came, yes I came
If you want to give them to me!
If you want to give th...
Canto delle lavandaie del Vomero [Italian translation]
Mi hai promesso quattro fazzoletti
Oi, fazzoletti, oi, fazzoletti!
Sono venuta, sono venuta
A vedere se me li vuoi dare
Me li vuoi dare!
Me li vuoi da...
Canto delle lavandaie del Vomero [Russian translation]
Ты обещал четыре дать платочка,
Мне дать платочки, мне дать платочки!
Пришла проверить я, пришла проверить,
Вправду ли мне дашь их.
Взаправду ль дашь ...
Cicerenella [English translation]
My good-looking, sweet Cicerenella!
Shekept her plot, and, guess what, - lately
With wine and water she irrigated.
But then, she watered it with no ju...