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Ray LaMontagne lyrics
Empty [Italian translation]
Lei solleva la sua gonna fino alle sue ginocchia Cammina per l'orto a piedi scalzi, ridendo Non ho mai imparato a riconoscere le mie benedizioni Scelg...
Empty [Spanish translation]
Ella se sube la falda hasta las rodillas camina a través de los macizos del jardín con los pies descalzos, riendo Yo nunca aprendí a dar gracias por l...
Empty [Turkish translation]
Eteğini dizlerinin üzerine kaldırdı Çıplak ayaklarıyla bahçe aralıklarında yürüyor, kahkaha atarak Asla iyiliklerimi saymayı öğrenemedim. Onun yerine ...
Forever My Friend lyrics
Who am I to tell her Who am I to play god Who am I to think I can go it alone Something tells me girl this is bringing you down Something tells me gir...
Forever My Friend [Croatian translation]
Tko sam ja da joj kažem Tko sam ja da se igram boga Tko sam ja da mislim da mogu sam Nešto mi govori, djevojko, da te ovo rastužuje Nešto mi govori, d...
Forever My Friend [Italian translation]
Chi sono io a dirglielo Chi sono io a pretendere d'essere dio Chi sono io a pensare che posso farlo da solo Qualcosa mi dice che, ragazza, questo ti s...
Hannah lyrics
I lost all of my vanity when I peered into the pool I lost all of my innocence When I fell in love with you I never knew a man fall so far until I lan...
Hold You In My Arms lyrics
When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears It was easy to see that you'd been crying Seems like everywhere you turn catastrophe it reigns...
Hold You In My Arms [Bulgarian translation]
Когато дойде при мен със своите кошмари и страхове, лесно бе да видя, че си плакала. Сякаш накъдето и да се обърнеш ти, цари катастрофа. Но кой всъщно...
Hold You In My Arms [Greek translation]
όταν ήρθες σε μένα με το κακά σου όνειρα και τους φόβους σου ήταν εύκολο να δω ότι έκλαιγες μοιάζει λες και όπου στραφείς, βασιλεύει η καταστροφή αλλά...
Hold You In My Arms [Italian translation]
Quando sei venuta da me con i tuoi brutti sogni e le tue paure Era facile a vedere che avevi pianto Sembra che ovunque guardi, catastrofe regna Ma chi...
Jolene lyrics
Cocaine flame in my bloodstream Sold my coat when I hit Spokane Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes in the early morning rain Lately my hands they...
Jolene [Italian translation]
La cocaina brucia nelle mie vene Ho venduto la mia giacca quando sono giunto a Spokane Mi sono comprato un pacchetto di sigarette pesanti presto in un...
Jolene [Turkish translation]
Kokainin ateşi damarlarımda Spokane’e vardığımda ceketimi sattım Kendime sıkı bir sigara paketi aldım Erken sabah yağmurunda Son zamanlarda ellerim ba...
lavender lyrics
We lie, under a lavender sky Under a lavender sky we lie Do you, do you remember the day? Do you remember when we felt that way? Free to play, as a ch...
lavender [Croatian translation]
Mi ležimo, ispod neba lavande Ispod neba lavande mi ležimo Da li se, da li se sjećaš dana? Sjećaš li se kada smo se osjećali tako? Slobodni da se igra...
Lesson Learned lyrics
Well the truth it fell so heavy Like a hammer through the room That I could choose another over her You always said I was an actor, baby Guess in trut...
Lesson Learned [Hungarian translation]
Az igazság oly erővel zúdult rám Mint egy kalapács át a szobán Hogy választhatok valaki mást helyette1 Mindig azt mondtad, hogy színész vagyok bébi Ta...
Let It Be Me lyrics
There may come a time A time in everyone's life Where nothing seems to go your way Where nothing seems to turn out right There may come a time You jus...
Let It Be Me [Croatian translation]
Moglo bi doći vrijeme Vrijeme u svačijem životu Kada se ništa ne čini da ide tvojim putem Kada se ništa ne čini da će ispasti kako treba Moglo bi doći...
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