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Plain White T's lyrics
Rainy Day lyrics
[Verse 1] Oh it's another rainy day Another excuse for me to hide away Fog on the window, I write your name Oh it's another rainy day [Chorus] Outside...
Revenge lyrics
By now you should know everything you say Can and will be used against you some day I got the microphone so don't go too far Cause I'm gonna tell the ...
Revenge [German translation]
Mittlerweile solltest du wissen, alles was du sagst Kann und wird eines Tages gegen dich verwendet werden Ich hab das Mikrofon also geh' nicht zu weit...
Revenge [Turkish translation]
Bundan sonra söyleyeceğin her şeyi bilmen lazım Sana karşı bir gün kullanılabilir-kullanılacak Mikrofon bende o yüzden fazla uzağa gitme Çünkü ben büt...
Rhythm Of Love. lyrics
[Verse 1] My head is stuck in the clouds She begs me to come down Says, "Boy, quit foolin' around" I told her, "I love the view from up here Warm sun ...
Rhythm Of Love. [Hungarian translation]
Én egy kicsit elszálltam a szerelmi felhőkben, Ő csak könyörgött, hogy jöjjek már le, Mondva: „Fiú, hagyd abba a hülyéskedést!” Mondtam neki: „Szerete...
Rhythm Of Love. [Romanian translation]
[Versetul 1] Mintea mea este blocată în nori, EA mă imploră să cobor Spunând - "Băiete, renunţă la prostii." I-am spus- " Îmi place priveliștea de aic...
Rhythm Of Love. [Spanish translation]
Tengo la cabeza atascada en las nubes Ella me ruega que baje, me dice "Chico, deja de hacerte el tonto” Yo dije "Me gusta la vista desde aquí arriba, ...
Rhythm Of Love. [Turkish translation]
Başım bulutlarda mahsur O, kendime gelmem için bana yalvarıyor "Oğlum etrafta aptalca dolaşma" diyor Ona, "buradan olan görüşü seviyorum Ilık güneş ve...
Sad Story lyrics
[Verse 1] Got nothin' to say anymore There's nothin' new, it's all been done before Not looking to settle the scores So please let me be Thought I'd b...
Serious Mistake lyrics
I am not a church going man, but father please won't you hear my confession. There's a situation at hand though I have sinned won't you teach me a les...
Serious Mistake [Turkish translation]
Fazla kiliseye giden biri değilim ama itirafımı dinler misin peder? İşlediğim bir günah var bana bir ders verir misin? En beterini hak ediyorum. Lütfe...
Should've Gone To Bed lyrics
I only miss you at midnight But when that lonely clock strikes That's when I wish you were here The angel knows it's not right But the devil's in my h...
Should've Gone To Bed [Turkish translation]
Sadece gece yarısı özlüyorum seni Ama bu yalnız saat çarptığında İşte o zaman burada olmanı diliyorum Melek doğru olmadığını biliyor Ama şeytan kalbim...
Sick of Love lyrics
[Verse 1] Take me out Take me some place Broken people go Nice and dark, you should know You should know [Verse 2] I'm impatient Got no expectations E...
Sing My Best lyrics
[Verse 1] Wake up in the morning Long way from home Alarm clock is a warning I'm still alone Set up for a letdown Open my eyes New name for the same t...
So Damn Clever lyrics
[Verse 1] Thought that I was in control And in my mind you were mine, what did I know? I didn't listen when they said That you were fake, manipulating...
Someday lyrics
[Verse 1] Someday we'll all get started Someday we'll have what we wanted Someday we'll want what's better Someday we'll all live forever Oh, oh, oh, ...
Sunlight lyrics
When the storm won't end On your raging sea When you've all but given up Float back to me When the waves come down And your arms get weak When you're ...
Sunlight [Turkish translation]
Fırtına sona ermeyecek zaman Senin azgın deniz üzerinde Eğer tüm ama verdik zaman Bana geri yüzer Dalgalar aşağı geldiğinde Ve senin kollarin aciz ola...
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