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Pitty featuring lyrics
The Kill lyrics
What if I wanted to break Laugh it all off in your face What would you do? (Oh, oh) What if I fell to the floor Couldn't take all this anymore What wo...
The Kill [Dutch translation]
Wat als ik wilde breken Het allemaal weglachen in je gezicht Wat zou je doen? (Oh, oh) Wat als ik op de vloer viel Dit allemaal niet meer aan zou kunn...
The Kill [Esperanto translation]
Kio se mi volus rompi Ridu ĉion en via vizaĝo Kio vi farus? (Oh, oh) Kio se mi falus sur la plankon Ne plu povus toleri ĉion ĉi Kio vi farus, farus, f...
The Kill [French translation]
Et si je voulais cesser ? Tout rire à ton visage Que ferais-tu ? (Oh, oh) Et si je tombais au sol ? Si je ne pouvais plus supporter tout ça Que ferais...
The Kill [German translation]
Was wäre, wenn ich kaputt gehen wollte Dir ins Gesicht lachen würde Was würdest du tun? (Oh, oh) Was wäre, wenn ich zu Boden fallen würde Das alles ni...
The Kill [Greek translation]
Αν ήθελα να σπάσω Να τα προσπεράσω όλα μπροστά στο πρόσωπό σου Τι θα έκανες; (Οο, οο) Αν έπεφτα στο πάτωμα Μην μπορώντας να άντέξω όλα αυτά παραπάνω Τ...
The Kill [Hungarian translation]
Mi van ha összeakartam törni, Belenevetni mindent az arcodba, Mit tennél akkor? Mi van ha leestem a földre, Nem bírtam mindezt tovább elviselni, Mit t...
The Kill [Hungarian translation]
Mi lenne, ha ki akarnék törni Az arcodba nevetni Mit tennél? Mi lenne, ha a padlóra zuhannék Nem bírnám így tovább Mit tennél? (tennél, tennél, tennél...
The Kill [Hungarian translation]
Mint amikor szakítani akartam Nevettél az egészen Mit tennél? (Oh, oh) Mint amikor a padlón feküdtem Többet nem vehetsz el tőlem. Mit tennél, tennél, ...
The Kill [Italian translation]
E se io volessi scoppiare Riderti in faccia Tu che faresti? (Oh, oh) E se io cadessi per terra non potendo più sopportare tutto questo Tu che faresti?...
The Kill [Italian translation]
E se volessi rompere, riderti in faccia? Cosa faresti? E se cadessi a terra incapace di sopportare ancora tutto questo cosa faresti? Vieni, spezzami s...
The Kill [Italian translation]
E se io volessi rompere Ridere di te davanti alla tua faccia Cosa faresti? (Oh, oh) E se io cadessi sul pavimento Non potendo sopportare più tutto que...
The Kill [Kurdish [Sorani] translation]
چە دەبوو ئەگەر بمویستبا شكستبێنم ڕوخسارت گرژ مەكە چیت دەكرد ؟ ئەى چى ئەگەر كەوتبامایە سەر زەوى نەمتوانیبایە چیتر بەردەوام بم چیت دەكرد،چى چى ؟ وەرە شك...
Nando Reis - Azul de Presunto
Onda vira carne A gordura do seu nervo é espuma O mar é uma fatia fina Luz que anula o azul de presunto O mar provém do porco o mesmo ronco Em outro t...
Azul de Presunto [English translation]
The waves turn into flesh The fat in your nerves is like foam The sea is a thin slice A light that erases the blueness of the ham The sea comes from t...
D2: Antes de mais nada me apresento outra vez, Peso pesado do mic, teste, um, dois, tres, Eu tenho fé que o meu caminho é no requinte do samba, Eu ten...
Edmundo [English translation]
[Part D2] First of it all, I introduce myself again Mic heavyweight, testing: one, two, three I've faith that my way is in refinement of Samba I've th...
Hoje Cedo lyrics
[Pitty] Hoje cedo Quando eu acordei e não te vi Eu pensei em tanta coisa Tive medo Ah, como eu chorei, eu sofri Em segredo Tudo isso hoje cedo Holofot...
Hoje Cedo [English translation]
Early today When I woke up and didn't see you I thought about so many things I was afraid Ah, I've cried, I've suffered Secretly All this Early today ...
Punk Rock HardCore
Punk rock, hardcore, sabe onde é que faz? Lá no alto José do Pinho. É do caralho! Tem Devotos,3º Mundo que botam pra fuder Todo sentimento obtido em s...
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