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Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) lyrics
Prologue/Twilight [Korean translation]
깨어나고 있는 네 마음의 끝자락 그곳에는 다른 시간이 존재하지 빛과 어둠이 하나 되는 곳 그리고 네가 의식의 복도를 걸어다니면서 너는 그 이상을 갈 수 없는 것에 기뻐할 거야 나는 다른 시간의 메시지를 전하러 왔어 *** 내 머리 속에서 춤추는 환상들 황혼의 시작, 시...
Prologue/Twilight [Polish translation]
Gdzieś na granicy przytomności twojego umysłu Leży inny wymiar czasu, Gdzie mrok i blask to jedno. A kiedy kroczysz po salach zdrowego rozsądku, Czuje...
Prologue/Twilight [Portuguese translation]
Bem na fronteira de sua mente despertando Repousa ali um outro tempo Onde escuridão e luz são uma coisa só E enquanto você trilha os corredores da san...
Prologue/Twilight [Romanian translation]
Chiar pe marginea minţii tale ce se trezeşte se întinde un alt timp în care întunericul şi lumina sunt unul Și pe măsură ce calci în sălile sănătății ...
Prologue/Twilight [Russian translation]
На самом краю твоего пробуждающегося разума Простирается другое время Где темнота и свет Это одно и то-же И ступая по залам разумного Ты очень счастл...
Prologue/Twilight [Spanish translation]
Justo en el borde de tu mente despierta Yace otro tiempo Donde la oscuridad y la luz son una Y mientras pisas los pasillos de la cordura Te sientes ta...
Queen of hours lyrics
Queen of the hours lies waiting for the wind to blow away the veil of time Slowly now the threads of age are starting to unwind [Chorus:] Queen of the...
Rain is Falling lyrics
Early in the morning, The sun was up and the sky was very blue. Without a warning, As I looked out, my thoughts returned to you. A noise in the city m...
Rain is Falling [Polish translation]
Już wcześnie rano, Słońce wzeszło na zupełnie błękitnym niebie. Choć wcale na to nie zanosiło się, Gdy rozglądałem się, moje myśli powróciły ku tobie....
Rain is Falling [Romanian translation]
Dis de dimineaţă soarele era sus şi cerul albastru Fără să anunţe, cât priveam, gândurile mele se-ntorceau la tine Un sunet în oraş a pus copiii pe fu...
Rain is Falling [Russian translation]
Рано утром Было солнечно, и небо было очень голубым Внезапно, Когда я посмотрел наверх, мои мысли вернулись к тебе Шум в городе заставил детей разбежа...
Rock 'N' Roll Is King lyrics
Listen everybody let me tell you 'bout the rock 'n' roll Feel that rhythm and it's really gonna thrill your soul She said come along with me, to a lan...
Rock 'N' Roll Is King [Serbian translation]
Slušajte svi, da vam kažem o rok n rollu Osetite taj ritam i stvarno će vam uzbuditi dušu Rekla mi je dođi sa mnom, u zemlju pretvaranja Rekla je rock...
Roll Over Beethoven lyrics
Gonna write a little letter gonna mail it to me local D.J. it's a jumpin little record I want my jockey to play Roll Over Beethoven, gotta hear it aga...
Secret Lives lyrics
I don't know I don't know what's on your mind I thought everything was fine But it was my surprise. I don't know I don't know what's going on Somethin...
Secret Lives [French translation]
Je ne sais pas Je ne sais pas ce qui occupe ton esprit Je croyais que tout allait bien, Mais ce fut ma surprise Je ne sais pas Je ne sais pas ce qui s...
Shangri-La lyrics
(I'm getting out) (I'm getting out) Sitting here, waiting for Someone calling at my door Too bad I'm getting out of love What's the use of changing th...
Shangri-La [Romanian translation]
(Ies afară) (Ies afară) Stau aici, aştept pe cineva care să sune la uşa mea Păcat Ies din dragoste Ce rost are să schimbi lucrurile? Mă mir ce aduce m...
Shangri-La [Turkish translation]
(Gidiyorum artık) (Gidiyorum artık) Burda oturmuş kapımın ardında Birinin bana seslenmesini bekliyorum İşte bu çok kötü Sevmeyi bırakıyorum artık Bir ...
Shine a Little Love lyrics
Although the things you've done I wouldn't criticize I guess you had your way You see I gotta make you understand I know it sounds a foolish thing to ...
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