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Thousand Foot Krutch lyrics
A Different Kind of Dynamite lyrics
Feel the ground shake I came to set it off To kick in these windows and these doors Like a rebel with no pause Ignite it like a boss When it's on I st...
Absolute lyrics
I've tried to hide it, but I can't sleep at night Everything I think about makes me feel like a version of myself They tell their lies and we all sync...
Adrenaline lyrics
Touch the ceilin', act like how ya feelin' Gonna rock it 'till the wheels comes off And keep it reelin' No mistakin', people shakin' And soon we're go...
All I Need To Know lyrics
You could read a million pages,  know the words and all the phrases, you could try to turn a lie into the truth. And you can live to be a hundred,  me...
All I Need To Know [Portuguese translation]
Tu poderias ler um milhão de páginas, saber as palavras e todas as frases, poderias tentar tornar uma mentira em verdade. e tu poderias viver até os c...
All The Way Live lyrics
Ohhhhh... Let's funk it up! Relate, vacate, what's today's rate? In this day 'n' age ain't nobody safe Get'cha got'cha yo, who shot'cha? I must warn y...
Already Home lyrics
The trouble with truth is it never lies And the trouble with wrong's that it's never right So I rest my head under your light The trouble with peace i...
Anyone Else lyrics
I was blown away when you said "Goodbye I don't wanna go through this." I'm begging you to work things out But you still say "I don't wanna do this." ...
Be Somebody lyrics
I'm just the boy inside the man, Not exactly who you think I am Trying to trace my steps back here again, So many times I'm just a speck inside your h...
Be Somebody [Finnish translation]
Oon vaan poika miehen sisällä en aivan se jonka mussa näät yritän askeliini taas kerran jäljittää Niin monta kertaa Oon vaan täplä päässäs sun Sä tuli...
Be Somebody [Finnish translation]
Olen vain poika miehen sisällä Ei oikeastaan se kuka luulet että olen Yritän jäljittää vaiheeni takaisin tänne Niin monia kertoja Olen vain pilkku pää...
Be Somebody [French translation]
Je ne suis que le garçon à l'intérieur de l'homme, Pas exactement celui que tu me crois être J'essaie de retracer mes pas jusqu'ici une fois de plus, ...
Be Somebody [German translation]
Ich bin nur der Junge im Mann, Nicht gerade der, für den du mich hälst Ich versuche meine Schritte bis hier hin wieder Zurückzuverfolgen, Ich bin so o...
Be Somebody [Greek translation]
Δεν είμαι απλά το αγόρι μέσα στον άνδρα, δεν είμαι κατ'ακρίβεια αυτός που νομίζεις πως είμαι. Αν επιχειρήσεις να συλλάβεις τα ίχνη μου ξανά τόσες πολλ...
Be Somebody [Hungarian translation]
Csak egy fiú vagyok egy férfiben Nem pontosan az, akinek te hiszel Megpróbáltam nyomon követni a lépéseimet idáig Olyan sokszor Csak egy folt vagyok a...
Be Somebody [Italian translation]
Sono solo il ragazzino dentro l'uomo Non esattamente chi tu pensi io sia Cerco di seguire i miei passi per tornare qui di nuovo Così tante volte Sono ...
Be Somebody [Portuguese translation]
Sou apenas o garoto dentro do homem, Não exatamente quem você pensa que eu sou Tentando rastrear meus passos até aqui novamente, Tantas vezes Eu sou a...
Be Somebody [Romanian translation]
Sunt doar un baiat intr-un om, Nu exact cine crezi tu ca sunt Incercand sa-mi urmaresc pasii inapoi aici din nou, De-atatea ori Sunt doar un fir inaun...
Be Somebody [Serbian translation]
Ja sam samo decak unutar coveka Ne ono sto ti mislis Pokusavam uci u trag svojim koracima Toliko puta Ja sam samo zrno u tvojoj glavi Ti si od mene na...
Be Somebody [Turkish translation]
Ben sadece adamın içindeki çocuğum, Tam olarak olduğumu düşündüğün kişi değilim İzlerimi tekrar buraya sürmeye çabalıyorum, Çok kez Ben sadece kafanda...
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