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Laura Marling lyrics
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall lyrics
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? And where have you been, my darling young one? I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains I’ve wal...
Laura Marling - Kathy's Song [Live]
I hear the drizzle of the rain Like a memory it falls Soft and warm remembering Tapping on my roof and walls And from the shelter of my mind Through t...
Alas I Cannot Swim lyrics
There's a house across the river But alas I cannot swim And a garden of such beauty That the flowers seem to grin There's a house across the river But...
Alas I Cannot Swim [German translation]
Es gibt ein Haus auf der anderen Seite des Flusses, doch ach, ich kann nicht schwimmen Und einen Garten solcher Schönheit, dass die Blumen zu grinsen ...
Alas I Cannot Swim [Spanish translation]
Hay una casa al otro lado del río, pero ay de mí, no sé nadar Y un jardín de tal belleza que las flores parecen sonreír Hay una casa al otro lado del ...
Alexandra lyrics
What became of Alexandra Did she make through? What kind of woman gets to love you? Wrote us all a little note Nothing left to lose What kind of woman...
Alexandra [Kurdish [Kurmanji] translation]
Çi bo ji Aleksandrayê Gelo biser kete? Dê jineke çawa ji te hez bike? Ji bo me gişan nîşeyeke biçûk nivîst Tişteke em wunda bikin nema Dê jineke çawa ...
All My Rage lyrics
Stole my children, left my son Of all of them, he's the only one who did not mean that much to me I tip my cap to the raging sea Oh cover me up, I'm p...
Alpha Shallows lyrics
He could fall and shake and weep, By his holy are my feet, And heart with mention the dear that may not speak, We feel tight when there is tension, An...
Alpha Shallows [Bosnian translation]
Mogao bi pasti i tresti se i plakati, Pored njega sveta su moja stopala, I srce sa spomenom dragoga koje možda neće pričati, Osjećamo se stisnuto kad ...
Alpha Shallows [Croatian translation]
Mogao bi pasti i tresti se i plakati, Pored njega sveta su moja stopala, I srce sa spomenom dragoga koje možda neće pričati, Osjećamo se stisnuto kad ...
Always This Way lyrics
I'd like to say that I could've stayed But she didn't want me to I'd like to know if she had to go Or if she made a point to It's so hard to say "Is i...
Blackberry Stone lyrics
Well I, own this field, And I, wrote this sky, And I, have no reason to reason with you.I'd be sad that I never held your hand as you were lowered, bu...
Blackberry Stone [Bosnian translation]
Pa, ja posjedujem ovo polje, I ja sam napisala ovo nebo, I ja nemam razloga za objašnjavanje s tobom. Bila bih tužna što nikad nisam držala tvoju ruku...
Blackberry Stone [Croatian translation]
Pa, ja posjedujem ovo polje, I ja sam napisala ovo nebo, I ja nemam razloga za objašnjavanje s tobom. Bila bih tužna što nikad nisam držala tvoju ruku...
Blow By Blow lyrics
I don't know what else to say I think I did my best Momma's on the phone already talking to the press Tell them that I'm doing fine Underplay distress...
Blues Run the Game lyrics
Catch a boat to England, baby, maybe to Spain Wherever I have gone Wherever I've been and gone Wherever I have gone the blues run the game Send out fo...
Breathe lyrics
You came here to tell me something I already know Dark before the dawn is the darkest that you know The calm before the storm Is what leaves me here t...
Breathe [Spanish translation]
Viniste hasta aquí para decirme algo que ya sé La oscuridad antes del amanecer es lo mas oscuro que conoces La calma antes de la tormenta Es lo que me...
Crawled Out Of The Sea lyrics
Oh you crawled out of the sea Straight into my arms, Straight into my arms Oh you crawled out of the sea Straight into my arms, Straight into my arms ...
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