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Van Der Graaf Generator lyrics
Man-Erg [Russian translation]
Внутри меня живет убийца Да, я чувствую, как он оживает Временами он дремлет В тишине своей спальни Но затем глаза его Открываются и смотрять мне в ду...
Man-Erg [Spanish translation]
El asesino mora dentro de mi ser. Sí, puedo sentir que se mueve. A veces parece que se halle en los brazos de Morfeo en la tranquilidad de su lugar, p...
Man-Erg [Turkish translation]
İçimde bir katil yaşıyor. Evet, hareket ediyor, hissedebiliyorum Bazen usulca uykuya dalar odasının sessizliğinde, fakat sonra, gözleri açılır ve beni...
Masks lyrics
He's a man of the past and one of the present, A man who hides behind a mask behind a mask; A clown, a fool, believing it cool to be down Or that the ...
Meurglys Iii, The Songwriter's Guild lyrics
These days I mainly just talk to plants and dogs, All human contact seems painful, risky, odd, So I stay acting god in my own universe Where I trade c...
Mirror Images lyrics
If I'm the mirror and you're the image Then what's the secret between the two These me's and you's, how many can there be Oh, I don't mind all that ar...
My Room lyrics
Searching for diamonds in a sulphur mine, Leaning on props that are rotten, Hoping for anything, looking for a sign That I am not forgotten. Lost in a...
My Room [Portuguese translation]
Procurando diamantes em uma mina de enxofre, Apoiado sobre adereços apodrecidos, Espero por qualquer coisa, procuro um sinal De que eu não fui esqueci...
Necromancer lyrics
Yes I live in the black woods, where you dare not even Speak my name. If there is evil in your heart and you will come near to me you will Lose your s...
Out Of My Book lyrics
We sat by ourselves, still looking for company; There could have been peace, but that eluded me - All I could think of was what was on my mind. You tr...
Van Der Graaf Generator - People You Were Going To
Your father has just left your mother, gone off to live with his latest lover: she sits there, just staring. You've got to get back to your own flat b...
People You Were Going To [German translation]
Dein Vater hat gerade deine Mutter verlassen, er ist zu seiner neuesten Freundin gezogen: sie sitzt da, starrt einfach nur vor sich hin. Du musst zu d...
Pilgrims lyrics
Sometimes you feel so far away, distanced from all the action of the play, unable to grasp significance, marking the plot with diffident dismay, stran...
Pilgrims [Polish translation]
Czasami czujesz, że jesteś tak daleko, zdystansowany od całego tego przedstawienia, niezdolny, by pojąć jego znaczenie, przerażony wietrzysz spisek, l...
Pilgrims [Spanish translation]
A veces te sientes tan lejos Lejos de toda la acción de la obra Sin poder entender el significado Precipitándose con timidez y desaliento Quedando var...
Pioneers Over C lyrics
Left the earth in 1983, Fingers groping for the galaxies, Reddened eyes stared up into the void, 1000 stars to be exploited Somebody help me I'm falli...
Pioneers Over C [Turkish translation]
1983'te dünyayı terk ettik, Parmaklarımız galaksileri arıyor, Kızarmış gözler boşluğa bakıyor, Sömürülmek üzere 1000 yıldız. Biri yardım etsin, düşüyo...
Refugees lyrics
North was somewhere years ago and cold: ice locked the people's hearts and made them old. South was birth to pleasant lands, but dry: I walked the wat...
Refugees [Arabic translation]
كان الشمال في مكان ما منذ سنوات مضت وبارد أغلق الجليد قلوب الناس وجعلهم كبار في السن كان الجنوب مولودا للأراضي السعيدة ولكن جاف ومشيت عمق الماء وشغلت ...
Refugees [German translation]
Der Norden war irgendwo, vor Jahren, und kalt: Eis schloß die Herzen der Menschen ein und machte sie alt. Der Süden gebar angenehme, aber trockene Län...
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