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Sentenced lyrics
Neverlasting [Finnish translation]
Carpe diem... Tartu hetkeen, ennen kuin elämäsi haihtuu pois Kurota taivaisiin - etäiseen aurinkoon Äläkä osu aseen tielle Ei, sinun tarvitsee myydä s...
Neverlasting [Portuguese translation]
Carpe diem... Aproveite o dia antes que sua vida esvaia Alcance os céus - para o Sol distante E continue se escondendo da arma Não! Você precisa vende...
Neverlasting [Turkish translation]
Carpe diem... Hayatın solup gitmeden anı yaşa Hedeflerini yüksek tut - ulaşamayacağın şeyler için Ve silahtan saklanmaya devam et Hayır! Ruhunu satmal...
New age messiah lyrics
"He shall appear to thee and thou shall know Him. He is no son of God, He is the son of the Earth!" a new Messiah... He's walked among the living and ...
No more beating as one lyrics
She was no longer precious to me... I guess my hate grew much stronger than my love for her ever did (I was) so tired of chasing that person who made ...
No one there lyrics
The axe, the bottle and the rope The feeling there really is no more hope The thought of the great unknown And facing it alone The dark, the silent an...
No one there [Finnish translation]
Kirves, pullo ja köysi Tunne, ettei ole enää toivoa Ajatus suuresta tuntemattomasta Ja sen kohtaamisesta yksin Pimeä, hiljainen ja kylmä Tunne, että o...
No one there [Portuguese translation]
O machado, a garrafa e a corda O sentimento de que não há mais esperança A reflexão do grande desconhecido E encarando isso sozinho A escuridão, o sil...
No one there [Russian translation]
Топор, бутылка и верёвка. Такое чувство, что надежды действительно больше нет. С мыслями о прекрасном неизведанном Я встретился в одиночку. Тьма, тиши...
No one there [Spanish translation]
El hacha, la botella y la cuerda La sensación de que en realidad ya no hay esperanzas Pensar en lo grandemente desconocido Y enfrentarse a ello sólo L...
Noose lyrics
No way out of your misery Alone in pain and agony Lay depressed and hollow One thought in your mind -No Tomorrow And then you had made up your mind an...
Noose [Finnish translation]
Ei pääsyä pois murheesta Yksin kivussa ja tuskassa Makaat masentuneena ja tyhjänä Yksi ajatus mielessäsi: "Ei huomista" Olit tehnyt päätöksesi Ja ajat...
Noose [Spanish translation]
No hay forma de salir de tu miseria Solo en dolor y agonía Yacer deprimido y vacío Un pensamiento en tu mente -No Mañana Y luego te habías decidido y ...
Obsession lyrics
Obsession... burning me, carving me from inside my head. I am suffering frustrations of the deepest kind. I am getting weaker but my lust keeps growin...
One more day lyrics
It feels that your love for me is slowly turning to dust It seems that our union made of iron is starting to rust I hate life I hate this shit I love ...
One more day [Finnish translation]
Tunnen, että rakkautesi minua kohtaan on hiljalleen muuttumassa tomuksi Huomaan, että rautainen liittomme on hiljalleen ruostumassa Vihaan elämää Viha...
One more day [Hungarian translation]
Úgy tűnik a szerelmed irántam Lassan porrá vállik Úgy látszik acélerős szövetségünk Most rozsda kezdi emészteni Gyűlölöm az életet Gyűlölöm ezt a szar...
Phenix lyrics
burned alive in the flames of love - the ashes scattered in the wind fucked up by the unholy trinity; you, me and our "perfect law" (our perfect love)...
Routasydän lyrics
Ikiroudasta Pohjolan maan nyrkki rautainen kohoaa Peto herää taistelemaan ja saalista raatelemaan Vastustaja kaatuu lokahankeen sohjoiseen Kerta kerra...
Routasydän [English translation]
From the permafrost of the land in the north an iron fist will rise. The beast will awaken to fight and to maul its prey. The opponent will fall into ...
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