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Sentenced lyrics
Keep my grave open lyrics
(Hunt or be hunted) The days are hot and the dead lie unburied on the field So the wind brings the smell of blood; - so heavy and sweet They're back a...
Keep my grave open [Finnish translation]
(Saalista tai ole saalistettu) Päivät ovat kuumia ja kuollut makaa hautaamattomana pellolla Joten tuuli kuljettaa veren hajun; - niin raskaan ja makea...
Killing me killing you lyrics
Baby, have you seen, there is a snake in our paradise A serpent that's wriggling between us And freezing our feelings to ice And with each drop of blo...
Killing me killing you [Finnish translation]
Rakas, oletko huomannut käärmeen puutarhassamme Käärmeen, joka kiemurtelee välissämme Muuttaen tunteemme jääksi Se on syy jokaiselle vuodatetulle veri...
Killing me killing you [German translation]
Schatz, hast du gesehen, da ist eine Schlange in unserem Paradies Eine Schlange, die sich zwischen uns windet Und unsere Gefühle zu Eis gefriert Und m...
Killing me killing you [Greek translation]
Μωρό μου, είδες ότι υπάρχει ένα φίδι στον παράδεισό μας Ένα ερπετό που στριφογυρίζει ανάμεσά μας Και κάνει τα συναισθήματά μας πάγο Και με κάθε σταγόν...
Lower The Flags lyrics
He's gone, he is dead His remains upon the hearse ahead As silently we wander through the mist He's free This is the end Your journey's over, night de...
Lower The Flags [Russian translation]
Он ушел, он мертв Его тело на катафалке впереди Как тихо мы блуждаем в тумане Он свободен Это конец Твое путешествие закончилось, опускается ночь Ниже...
May Today Become the Day lyrics
May Today Become The Day "They call themselves my brothers. For me they're just the others." Rain drums the lifeless ground Drops as cold as ice The d...
May Today Become the Day [Portuguese translation]
Que hoje se torne o dia "Eles se denominam meus irmãos. Para mim são apenas os outros" A chuva martela o chão sem vida Gotas frias como o gelo O estre...
Moon magick lyrics
Look into the night... Look unto the sky... face Her nightly shape... feel Her chilling cold - Mother Moon is full! Her face of agony Her dismal morbi...
My Sky Is Darker Than Thine lyrics
Frozen soil... A dim moonlight I've been on this glorious ride Raise the arms in victory I've seen... on this glorious night I've kept my eyes open wi...
My Sky Is Darker Than Thine [Russian translation]
Мёрзлая почва... Тусклый лунный свет Грандиозно шёл по этому пути Вскинь руки в победе Я видел... в эту грандиозную ночь Мои глаза были широко открыты...
My slowing heart lyrics
I gave and gave - gave all I had I took and took - all I could grab I had it all and I had none Now the game is over and it's all gone My heart is wor...
My slowing heart [Finnish translation]
Annoin ja annoin - kaiken omistamani Otin ja otin - kaiken mihin ylsin Minulla oli kaikki ja ei mitään Nyt peli on ohi ja se kaikki on mennyttä Sydäme...
My slowing heart [Spanish translation]
Di y di - di todo lo que tenía Tomé y tomé - todo lo que pude agarrar Lo tenía todo y no tenía ninguno Ahora el juego ha terminado y todo se ha ido Mi...
Nepenthe lyrics
think about all the good in your life - it's only temporary think about all the positive sides in life - they never last forever so drink to forget an...
Nepenthe [German translation]
Denke nach, über all das Gute in deinem Leben - es geht vorbei Denke nach, über all die positiven Seiten des Lebens - sie halten niemals ewig an Also ...
Nepenthe [Spanish translation]
Piensa en todo el bien en tu vida - Sólo es temporal Piensa en todos los lados positivos de la vida - Nunca duran para siempre Entonces, bebe para olv...
Neverlasting lyrics
Carpe diem... Seize the day before your life fades away Reach for the skies - for the distant sun And keep on hiding from the gun No! You need to sell...
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