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Epidemia lyrics
Час испытания [Chas ispytaniya] [English translation]
[Dezmond:] It is time The time of trial Oh, I'm so tired Of waiting The path was long To the cherished goal The black essence Of white magic What's th...
Чёрный маг [Chyernyj mag] lyrics
Он с детства был слаб, он познал унижения. Изгой в этом мире искал силы суть, И в книгах волшебных, найдя утешение, Ступил на извилистый магии путь. О...
Чёрный маг [Chyernyj mag] [English translation]
Translation by Igor Vakhrameev published in 2017 He was born an outcast, was hiding in corner From others he wanted to find a safe way. The magic was ...
Чёрный маг [Chyernyj mag] [English translation]
Translation by “Starcriuser” publised in 2006-04-02 He was weak since childhood, knew humiliation For essence of power the outcast had searched In stu...
Чёрный маг [Chyernyj mag] [English translation]
Translation by Offer Ambar and Semion Dulman published in 2003-12-10 Been weak since his childhood, knew humiliation An outcast in this world, been se...
Чёрный маг [Chyernyj mag] [English translation]
From his childhood he was weak, he got to know humiliation. An outcast in this world he looked for the meaning of his power, And in magical books, whe...
Я иду за тобой [Ya idu za toboy] lyrics
Стелла: Прости меня, но мне пора идти Туда, где нету боли - ты только отпусти. Я рада, что даруют небеса До роковой минуты смотреть в твои глаза. Дель...
Я иду за тобой [Ya idu za toboy] [English translation]
Stella: Forgive me but I have to go To a place where is no pain – you just let me go I’m glad that heaven grant me (a possibility) To look into your e...
Я молился на тебя [Ya molilsya na tebya] lyrics
Голос твой затих, Растворяясь в ночи - Ты исчезла во мгле, Словно пламя свечи. В моих снах нету слез - В них я рядом с тобой. Просыпаюсь в бреду - Пус...
Я молился на тебя [Ya molilsya na tebya] [English translation]
Translation by "Starcruiser" published 2006-04-02 Silent voice has gone, It has merged with the night - You have left me alone Like a small candle lig...
Я молился на тебя [Ya molilsya na tebya] [English translation]
Your voice trailed off, Dissolving in the night - You disappeared in obscurity, Just like a candle-flame. There're no tears in my dreams - I'm with yo...
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