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Rachael Yamagata lyrics
I Want You [Turkish translation]
Yanıma oturdun,tıpkı şaraba yazılmış şiir gibi Pencereden dışarı sarı neon ışıklarına baktın. Sen ne yapacağına karar verdiğinde elini tuttum. O tek ö...
I Wish You Love lyrics
I wish you bluebirds in the spring To give your heart a song to sing And then a kiss, but more than this I wish you love And in July a lemonade To coo...
I Wish You Love [French translation]
Je te souhaite des merles au printemps, Afin d'offrir à ton coeur une chanson à chanter Et aussi un baiser, mais plus que ça encore, Je te souhaite l'...
I Wish You Love [German translation]
Ich wünsche dir Drosseln im Frühling um deinem Herzen ein Lied zum singen zu geben Und dann einen Kuss, aber mehr als das wünsche ich dir Liebe Und im...
I Wish You Love [Greek translation]
Σου εύχομαι χελιδόνια την άνοιξη Για να δώσουν την καρδιά σού ένα τραγούδι να τραγουδάει Και έπειτα ένα φιλί, Αλλά περισσότερο από αυτό Σου έυχομαι αγ...
I Wish You Love [Portuguese translation]
Desejo-lhe passarinhos azuis na primavera Para que seu coração tenha uma canção para cantar E então um beijo, mais do que isto Desejo-lhe amor E em ju...
I Wish You Love [Romanian translation]
Îţi doresc păsări albastre primăvara Să-i dea inimii tale un cântec să cânte Şi apoi un sărut, dar mai mult decât atât Îţi doresc iubire Şi în iulie o...
I Wish You Love [Turkish translation]
Sana baharda mavi kuşlar diliyorum Kalbine söylemek için bir şarkı vermek için Ve sonra bir öpücük, ama bundan daha fazlası Sana aşk diliyorum Ve temm...
I'll find a way lyrics
I'll find a way to see you again I'll find a way to see you again I used to think that anything I'd do Wouldn't matter at all anyway But now I find th...
I'll find a way [Spanish translation]
Encontraré la forma de verte de nuevo Encontraré la forma de verte de nuevo Solía pensar que todo lo que hiciera No importaría en absoluto de todas fo...
I'll find a way [Turkish translation]
Seni tekrar görmenin bir yolunu bulacağım Seni tekrar görmenin bir yolunu bulacağım Düşünürdüm yapacağım hiçbir şeyin Zaten hiç önemli olmayacağını Am...
Keep Going lyrics
Carry me for a while It's your turn to lend a hand Carry you for a while When you need me I'll be there And the walls that keep us in the war Will com...
Keep Going [Hungarian translation]
Vigyél a válladon egy kicsit Most rajtad a sor, hogy segíts Vigyél a válladon egy kicsit Ott leszek, ha kellenék És a háborút jelentő falak Leomlanak ...
Keep Going [Tongan translation]
Fua au si'i si'i ange Ko ho'o taimi ke no atu tokoni Fua koe si'i si'i ange 'E kapau ke fie ma'u au ka teu tokoni atu Pea ko e holisi 'oku malu'i 'aki...
Letter Read lyrics
My love, my love, my love How could you do this to me My love, my love, my love You were supposed to be And I shouldn't have to tell you to explain yo...
Line lyrics
If the moon is making everything go backwards, Does it mean you'll soon be here? If the best years of your life come when you're young, Will my troubl...
Nobody lyrics
Call the angels near They don't come here But I know they miss me just the same Stay until the dawn You're the chosen one You whisper in my ear your t...
Over lyrics
You went one way I have gone the other water shapes the stone and air is free we knew we weren’t quite right for each other best to keep our distance ...
Over [Greek translation]
Εσύ πήρες μιά διαδρομή Εγώ την άλλη. Το νερό σχηματίζει την πέτρα και ο αέρας είναι ελεύθερος Γνωρίζαμε ότι δέν ακριβώς ταίριαζαμε Καλύτερα νά κρατήσο...
Over and Over lyrics
I really thought I was okay I really thought I was just fine But when I woke this time There was nothing to take me back to sleep To take you off my m...
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