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Rachael Yamagata lyrics
1963 lyrics
Baby, I'm stuck in the middle and I don't know why Find the words you sing to me Sweeter than the words of the bird in the sky Oh, the days you came a...
1963 [Turkish translation]
Bebeğim, ortada kalakaldım ve nedenini bilmiyorum. bana söylediğin sözleri, Gökyüzündeki kuşların sözlerinden daha tatlı buluyorum. Oh, yanıma geldiği...
Be Be Your Love lyrics
If I could take you away Pretend I was queen What would you say Would you think I'm unreal 'Cause everybody's got their way I should feel Everybody's ...
Be Be Your Love [Spanish translation]
Si pudiera llevarte Fingir que soy una reina ¿Qué dirías? ¿Pensarías que soy irreal? Porque todo el mundo tiene una idea de cómo debería sentirme Todo...
Be Be Your Love [Turkish translation]
Eğer seni uzaklara götürebilseydim Kraliçeymiş gibi davransaydım Ne söylerdin? Gerçek olmadığımı mı düşünürdün? Çünkü herkes benim hissetmem gereken ş...
Dealbreaker lyrics
I found that record you'd been looking for yesterday The one I'd been searching for forever I played that record all night, you were right The last so...
Dealbreaker [Turkish translation]
Dün senin aradığın o plağı buldum Hani o ezelden beridir aradığım O plağı bütün gece çaldım, haklıydın Son şarkı hepsini diyor Biraz takılma olsa da, ...
Duet lyrics
Oh lover hold on 'til I come back again For these arms are growing tired And my tales are wearing thin If you're patient I will surprise When you wake...
Duet [Hungarian translation]
Ó szerelmem, várj egy kicsit, míg visszajövök Mert ezek a karok kezdenek elfáradni És a szavaim egyre gyengébbek Ha van türelmed, megleplek Mikor felé...
Duet [Spanish translation]
Ay amado, esperate hasta que regrese porque tengo los brazos cansados y ya no tengo mas cuentos que contar. Si tienes paciencia te voy a sorprender ve...
Duet [Turkish translation]
Ah sevgilim, dayan, ben tekrar gelinceye kadar Çünkü bu kollar yorgun düşüyor Ve masallarımın tadı kaçıyor Eğer sabır gösterirsen, sürpriz yaparım Uya...
Elephants lyrics
If the elephants have past lives, Yet are destined to always remember, It's no wonder how they scream, Like you and I, they must have some temper. And...
Elephants [Turkish translation]
Eğer filler yaşamlarını bitirdilerse, Yine de her zaman hatırlamaya yöneltilirler, nasıl bağırdıklarına şaşırmamak gerek, sen ve ben gibi,biraz öfkeli...
Faster lyrics
I can't talk to you You think I'm lost inside my mind You're like an old tattoo And I know you'll fade in time I'm not the girl you think you know I'm...
Faster [Spanish translation]
No puedo hablar contigo Crees que estoy perdida dentro de mi mente Eres como un viejo tatuaje Y yo sé que te desvanecerás con el tiempo Yo no soy la c...
Has It Happened Yet lyrics
Has anybody shared our bed yet? Was it heavy? Was it hard? Checked the time on the clock I used to set On the jacket that I bought Just for you when I...
Heavyweight lyrics
You think you are such a heavyweight It don't mean nothing At the end of the day There is not a thing here left to break I won't feeling nothing There...
Heavyweight [Turkish translation]
Böyle önemli bir kimse olduğunu sanıyorsun Bu hiç bir anlam ifade etmiyor Günün sonunda Kırmak için kalan tek bir şey yoktur Hiçbir şey hissetmeyeceği...
Horizon lyrics
The last time I laid my eyes upon you You were blowing kisses I was waiting in the car Something had died Yet everything around kept turning Don't eve...
I Want You lyrics
You sat down next to me, like poetry to wine Out window looked upon a yellow neon sign I took your hand while you decided what to do The only kiss, I ...
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