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Blind Guardian lyrics
Sadly Sings Destiny lyrics
A wooden cup and a crown of thorns Will set up the stage for the cross I rent a room next door There is nothing more No further voices to hear I'll be...
Skalds and Shadows lyrics
Would you believe in a night like this? A night like this, when visions come true Would you believe in a tale like this A lay of bliss, we're praising...
Skalds and Shadows [Czech translation]
Věřili byste v noc jako je tato? V noc jako je tato, kdy se vize naplní Věřili byste v příběh jako je tento Blahový ležák, chválíme staré zvyklosti Př...
Skalds and Shadows [Turkish translation]
İnanabiliyor musun böyle bir geceye? Hayallerin gerçek olduğu, böyle bir geceye İnanabiliyor musun böyle bir öyküye Bir mutluluk şarkısı, kadim ilimi ...
Somewhere Far Beyond lyrics
I came from far Beyond Your reality The ocean of time It's the odysee of mine I am the narrator And now I'll tell You Where I've been And what I saw A...
Somewhere Far Beyond [Greek translation]
Ήρθα από μακριά Πέρα από την πραγματικότητά σας Ο ωκεανός του χρόνου Είναι η οδύσσειά μου Είμαι ο αφηγητής Και τώρα θα σας πω Πού έχω πάει Και τι είδα...
Spread Your Wings lyrics
Sammy was low, just watching the show, over and over again. He knew it was time, he'd made up his mind, to leave his dead life behind. His boss said t...
Straight Through The Mirror lyrics
Can you tell me Is there any other way? I cannot hide it I have doubts I'm not afraid to stay I'm here When the curtain falls. Once I've touched the r...
Symphonies Of Doom lyrics
In the dark night (they) defend their missiles, where it's the night we all die. Enthralling power, who searches to be masters. They play their game w...
Tanelorn lyrics
I travel a dusty old road And carry on in ultimate terror The torture will grow While infinity's lost The lunatic fears the unknown Into the fire Curs...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest lyrics
Now you all know The bards and their songs When hours have gone by I'll close my eyes In a world far away We may meet again But now hear my song About...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Arabic translation]
الأن جميعكم تعرفون الشعراء وأغانيهم عندما يمر الوقت سأغمض عيناي في عالماً بعيداً من هنا ربما نلتقي مجدداً ولكن الأن فلتسمعوا أغنيتي عن بزوغ الليل فلنغ...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Dutch translation]
Nu kennen jullie allen De barden en hun liederen Wanneer uren voorbij zijn Sluit ik mijn ogen In een wereld ver hier vandaan Kunnen we elkaar weer ont...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Esperanto translation]
Nun vi ĉiuj scias La bardojn kaj iliajn kantojn Kiam horoj pasis Mi fermos miajn okulajn En mondo malproksime Ni povas renkonti denove Sed nun aŭdu mi...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [French translation]
Maintenant vous connaissez tous Les troubadours et leurs chansons Quand les heures se seront écoulées Je fermerai mes yeux Dans un monde loin d'ici Il...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Friulian translation]
Cumò o cognossês ducj I barts e lis lôr cjançons Cuant che lis oris a son passadis O sieri i miei voi Intun mont tant lontan Si cjatarìn ancjemò Ma cu...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [German translation]
Die Barden und ihre Lieder Wenn die Stunden verstrichen sind Werde ich die Augen schließen In einer fernen Welt Mögen wir uns wieder treffen Aber jetz...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Greek translation]
Τώρα θα γνωρίσετε όλοι Τους βάρδους και τα τραγούδια τους Όταν θα περάσουν οι ώρες Θα κλείσω τα μάτια μου Σ' έναν κόσμο πολύ μακριά από 'δω Ίσως να ξα...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Greek translation]
Τώρα όλοι γνωρίζετε τους βάρδους και τα τραγούδια τους Όταν οι ώρες έχουν περάσει Θα κλείσω τα μάτια μου σε έναν κόσμο μακριά Ίσως ανταμώσουμε ξανά όμ...
The Bard's Song - In The Forest [Hungarian translation]
Most mind ismeritek A bárdokat és dalaikat Mikor órák telnek el Be fogom csukni a szemem Egy világban, messze innen Talán újra találkozunk De most hal...
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