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Blind Guardian lyrics
Journey Through The Dark lyrics
Many songs I've written About the things I saw My inner soul's a wasteland I can't run away from here Try to find them All the lost thoughts in my min...
La cosecha del dolor lyrics
Ella se irá y las hojas caerán. La doncella no regresará. El sello del olvido se ha roto y ese amor puro ya no será. Amanece la vida la esperanza nos ...
Lionheart lyrics
Just let me out of here Speak to me It all would be easier I want to talk to you. Who is that? Do I hear a whisper? Or do I hear a cry? Across the bro...
Lord of the Rings lyrics
There are signs on the Ring Which make me feel so down There's one to enslave all Rings To find them all in time And drive them into darkness Forever ...
Lord of the Rings [French translation]
Il y a des signes sur l'Anneau Qui me font me sentir si mal Il y en a un pour asservir tous les Anneaux Pour tous les trouver dans le temps Et les con...
Lord of the Rings [German translation]
Da sind Zeichen auf dem Ring, Die mich so bedrücken. Da ist der eine, der alle Ringe versklavt, Um sie alle rechtzeitig zu finden, Und sie in die Dunk...
Lord of the Rings [Greek translation]
Υπάρχουν σημάδια πάνω στο Δαχτυλίδι Που με θλίβουν Ένας θα είναι αυτός που θα υποδουλώσει όλα τα Δαχτυλίδια Που θα τα βρει όλα έγκαιρα Και θα τα οδηγή...
Lord of the Rings [Hungarian translation]
Egy gyűrű hogy uralja mindet, egy Gyűrű hogy megtalálja, Egy Gyűrű hogy mind összehozza, s az éjsötétben összekösse. Ez az egy Gyűrű… Vannak jelek azo...
Lord of the Rings [Russian translation]
Перевод Сергея Цветкова * Письмена на кольце Мне шепчут вновь и вновь Все кольца будут в рабстве Все найдены давно И скована их воля Навеки будет тьмо...
Lord of the Rings [Russian translation]
Перевод "Феаноро" опубликован 2004-10-22 Я спою о Кольце, Сковал что Саурон. Над кольцами другими Хотел быть властен он, Окутав тёмной сетью Их чистый...
Lord of the Rings [Serbian translation]
Postoje znaci na prstenu Koji čine da se osećam tako loše Jedan da zarobi sve Prstenove Dau vremenu ih nađe I do tame ih odvede Zauvek biće svezani Tr...
Lord of the Rings [Turkish translation]
İşaretler var Yüzüğün üstünde Mahvediyor beni Tek Yüzük hükmedecek hepsine Onları bulacak her daim Ve sürükleyecek karanlığa Sonsuza dek, bir olacak h...
Lost In The Twilight Hall lyrics
Awaiting my last breath the mirror calls my name it's showing me the way into the dark the bridge appears I jump into the dark side and hear the voice...
Majesty lyrics
Now the time has come for me to leave this land Take my charge with pride sacrifice Running and hiding I'm left for the time To bring back the order o...
Mies del dolor lyrics
Ella partió Y el bosque durmió La doncella nunca volverá El sello del olvido se ha roto Y en pecado un amor tornará Nuestra vida sola baila Esperanza ...
Mies del dolor [English translation]
She departed And the forest slept The maiden will never return The seal of love has been broken And love will turn into sin Our lives only dance Hope ...
Mies del dolor [English translation]
She departed, and the forest slept. The maiden will never return. The seal of oblivion has broken and a love will turn into sin. Our life dances alone...
Miracle Machine lyrics
When they are coming Give us guidance For they are calling To erase the damned Yet, after all they praise the coming To erase the damned They will ret...
Mirror, Mirror lyrics
Far, far beyond the island We dwelt in shades of twilight Through dread and weary days Through grief and endless pain It lies unknown The land of mine...
Mirror, Mirror [German translation]
Fern, fern von dieser Insel Lebten wir in Schatten des Zwielichts Durch Furcht und müde Tage Durch Kummer und endlosen Schmerz Keiner weiß Wo mein Lan...
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