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Blind Guardian lyrics
Hall Of The King lyrics
Alone I walk, hearing a voice, That's calling my name No one with you, God, why I didn't care On through death take me away To the place time will not...
Halloween lyrics
Years ago I came back. This'll be my hardest attack. Burning fire in my brain. I can feel the deadly flame. You'll never make it, your blood I suck. Y...
Harvest of Sorrow lyrics
She is gone, leaves are falling down The tear maiden will not return The seal of oblivion is broken And a pure love's been turned into sin At the dawn...
Harvest of Sorrow [Finnish translation]
Hän poissa on, lehdet putoilee. Ei kyynelneito palaa. On murrettu unholan portti Ja lemmestä tehty synti Elon aikojen alussa Toivo kätkee huutoja Totu...
Harvest of Sorrow [Romanian translation]
Ea a plecat, Frunze cad pe pământ. Fecioara plângerii nu va mai veni. Sigiliul uitării și-a dat jos al său vestmânt Și iubirea a devenit un păcat. Sun...
Harvest of Sorrow [Russian translation]
Она ушла, листья опадают. Дева слез более не вернётся. Сломана печать забвения И чистая любовь была превращена в грех. На закате нашей жизни Надежда м...
Harvest of Sorrow [Spanish translation]
Se ha ido, y las hojas caen. La llorosa doncella no volverá. El sello del olvido se ha roto y un amor puro se tornó en pecado. En el amanecer de nuest...
Harvest of Sorrow [Turkish translation]
Kız gitti, yapraklar dökülüyor Tear Maiden* geri dönmeyecek Affın mührü bozuldu Ve saf bir aşk günaha çevrildi Ömrümüzün şafağında Umut belki de bütün...
I'm Alive lyrics
I run through the dark fields of the plains reach level 99 the pain cuts deep down through my vain how will I break the ice welcome to my reality drea...
I'm Alive [Spanish translation]
Corro a través de los campos oscuros de las planicies llego al nivel 99. El dolor me atraviesa las venas, ¿cómo romperé el hielo? Bienvenido a mi real...
Imaginations from the Other Side lyrics
Where are these silent faces I took them all they all went away now you're alone to turn out every light so deep in me hold on, to late Will I ever se...
Imaginations from the Other Side [German translation]
Wo sind diese ruhigen Gesichter Ich habe sie alle genommen Sie sind alle weggegangen Jetzt bist du alleine um jedes Licht tief in mir auszuschalten Wa...
Imaginations from the Other Side [Italian translation]
Dove sono i visi silenziosi Li ho presi tutti Se ne sono andati tutti Ora sei solo A spegnere tutte le luci così profonde in me Resisti, troppo tardi ...
In A Gadda Da Vida lyrics
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, honey, Don't you know that I love you? In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby, Don't you know that I'll always be true? Oh, won't you come with ...
Into The Storm lyrics
Give it to me I must have it Precious treasure I deserve it [bridge:] Where can I run How can I hide The Silmarils Gems of treelight Their life belong...
Into The Storm [German translation]
Gib ihn mir Ich muss ihn haben Wertvoller Schatz Ich verdiene ihn [Bridge:] Wohin kann ich rennen? Wie kann ich mich verstecken? Die Silmaril Juwelen ...
Into The Storm [Greek translation]
Δώς το μου Πρέπει να το έχω Πολύτιμος θησαυρός Το δικαιούμαι [bridge:] Που μπορώ να τρέξω Πως μπορώ να κρυφτώ Τα Silmarils* Πετράδια από φώς δέντρου Η...
Into The Storm [Italian translation]
Dammelo, devo averlo Il prezioso tesoro lo merito (bridge): Dove posso correre, dove posso nascondermi Il Silmaril gemma della luce arborea La loro vi...
Into The Storm [Russian translation]
От меня их ты не скроешь - Заслужила я сокровищ! Как обмануть мне тварь в обличье паука? Сильмариллы - Их жизнь в моих руках! Вот блаженства миг - Мир...
Into The Storm [Turkish translation]
Bana ver onu Onu almam lazım Kıymetli hazine Benim hakkım [:] Nereye kaçabilirim Nasıl saklanabilirim Silmariller Ağaçışığı'nın mücevherleri Onların y...
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