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Blind Guardian lyrics
Blood Tears lyrics
Welcome to my realm We are both condemned to live It's a dark fate (I can hear your calls I can hear your calls) THE ETERNAL LIFE I see it still burns...
Blood Tears [Russian translation]
Перевод "SWFB" Ты думал о том, к чему приговорен - жуткой сути Back:(Я здесь, Маэдрос! Слышишь, Маэдрос?) бессмертия? Запястье в огне, Надежды больше ...
Blood Tears [Turkish translation]
Benim krallığıma hoşgeldin İkimizde yaşamaya mahkûm edildik Bu karanlık bir kader (Çağrınızı duyabiliyorum Çağrınızı duyabiliyorum) EBEDÎ YAŞAM Görüyo...
Born In A Morning Hall lyrics
In fact it was close to a real fallout Everything's under control The speaker said with a serious smile Behind his mask He knew the truth I'll bring n...
Brian lyrics
When the sky is burning, see the Moon falling down. On your right is lightning. See the war in the sky. Remember Brian, when it's time. Remember Brian...
Bright Eyes lyrics
Fool, just another I've been Waiting For signs Of god Create... enslaved... behaved... Everything is out of control. Get lost in a cold world... Watch...
Bright Eyes [Finnish translation]
Hölmö, vain yksi... Olen odottanut merkkejä Jumalalta. Luo.. orjuutti... oli kunnolla... Kaikki on menetetty hallinnasta. Eksy kylmään maailmaan... Va...
Bright Eyes [German translation]
Ein Scherz, ein weiterer Ich habe gewartet auf Zeichen von Gott Schaffen...geknechtet...erzogen... Alles ist außer Kontrolle Verlaufen in einer kalten...
Bright Eyes [Greek translation]
Ανόητος, ένας ακόμα Περίμενα Σημάδια Του θεού Δημιούργησε... σκλάβωσε... συμπεριφέρθηκε... Τα πάντα βρίσκονται εκτός ελέγχου. Χάσου σε έναν ψυχρό κόσμ...
Bright Eyes [Italian translation]
Imbroglia qualcun'altro Ho aspettato Segni di Dio Creato, fatto schiavo. educato Ogni cosa è fuori controllo Perditi in un mondo freddo Ti stanno guar...
Bright Eyes [Turkish translation]
Sadece başka bir aptal Tanrının İşaretlerini Beklemekteyim Yarat... köle yap terbiye et Her şey kontrolden çıkıyor Soğuk dünyada kayboldum Seni izliyo...
Bright Eyes [The Forgotten Tales version] lyrics
Fool just another Fool just another ... I've been waiting For signs of god Create- enslave- behave I'm out of control yeah, I'm lost in a cold world (...
Bright Eyes [The Forgotten Tales version] [Greek translation]
Ανόητος, άλλος ένας ανόητος Ανόητος, άλλος ένας ανόητος ... Περίμενα για σημάδια από το θεό Δημιούργησε-σκλάβωσε-πρόσεξε τη συμπεριφορά σου Είμαι εκτό...
Bright Eyes [The Forgotten Tales version] [Spanish translation]
Necio, solo otro necio Necio, solo otro necio ... He estado esperando por señales de dios. Crea-esclaviza-compórtate. Estoy fuera de control sí, perdi...
Carry The Blessed Home lyrics
Pale faced, the innocent Will drown in blood Hurt and withdrawn. Don't dare to steal my grief In this haze of green and gold He's gone. Blind my eyes ...
Control The Divine lyrics
For what I was I'm doomed to be The tempter and the secret foe Cause I am hell and hell is me Pure hate will grow Still I claim to be the chosen one a...
Curse My Name lyrics
The tenure of kings and their magistrates By good men it must be deposed The convenant made can be voided at once Disanoint him, take his crown They p...
Curse My Name [Portuguese translation]
A posse de reis e seus magistrados Por bons homens deve ser deposta O pacto selado pode ser quebrado em um instante Remova sua unção, tome sua coroa E...
Curse My Name [Turkish translation]
Kralların ve onların kadıları İyi adamlar tarafından, indirilmeli tahttan Yapılan anlaşma, hükümsüz sayılabilir derhal Aforoz et, al tacını elinden Ar...
Damned For All Time lyrics
[Lead:Andre] Conquer the whole world to satisfy Their lust for pain and terror Disguise their faces to hide them In the dark Determination The oath on...
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