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Blind Guardian lyrics
And Then There Was Silence lyrics
Turn your head and see the fields of flames (Don't move along) He carries along (Cause things they will go wrong) From a distant place (The end is get...
And Then There Was Silence [Greek translation]
Στρίψε το κεφάλι σου και δες τα καμμένα εδάφη (Μην κινηθείς) Έρχεται εδώ (Επειδή τα πράγματα θα πάνε στραβά) Από ένα μέρος μακρινό (Το τέλος πλησιάζει...
Another Holy War lyrics
I am god The only one I will bring back Freedom to your heart You won't believe That blind can't see No one else before me ever knew The way to paradi...
Another Holy War [Greek translation]
Είμαι ο θεός Ο ένας και μοναδικός Θα φέρω πίσω Την ελευθερία στην καρδιά σας Δεν θα πιστέψετε Ότι οι τυφλοί μπορούν να δουν Κανείς άλλος πριν από εμέν...
Another Stranger Me lyrics
A seed of doubt It exists And it grows A glimpse of life From somewhere deep within Awake and understand Is there anyone else here? Somebody screaming...
Another Stranger Me [Greek translation]
Μια ένδειξη αμφιβολίας Υπάρχει Και μεγαλώνει Μια φευγαλέα ματιά ζωής Από κάπου βαθιά μέσα Ξύπνα και κατανόησε Είναι κανείς άλλος εδώ; Κάποιος φωνάζει ...
Ashes Of Eternity lyrics
The Hare once betrayed me And so did the Fox and the Crow Just once defied me There's me and there's Space Where are they? Maybe dead No one knows You...
Ashes To Ashes lyrics
Taste the poison Feel that this is life Hallowed be the game Of life and innocence God's waiting for him Join us at the road to fate There are no two ...
Ashes To Ashes [German translation]
Koste das Gift Fühle, dass das das Leben ist Geheiligt sei das Spiel Von Leben und Unschuld Gott erwartet ihn Schließe dich uns an der Straße zum Schi...
At The Edge Of Time lyrics
I step from door to door My mind's misguided Keep moving on and on Forevermore Was it real what I saw in the mirror? Was it fear when the end got clea...
Banish From Sanctuary lyrics
In deserts I was preaching The hand of God was with me Baptized with water and I praised The one who came behind me To save us all with the holy ghost...
Banish From Sanctuary [Greek translation]
Σε ερήμους κήρυττα Το χέρι του Θεού ήταν μαζί μου Βαπτισμένος με νερό και υμνούσα Αυτόν που ερχόταν πίσω μου Να μας σώσει όλους με το άγιο πνεύμα Ένας...
Barbara Ann lyrics
A Bar bar bar bar Barbar Ann Bar bar bar bar Barbar Ann (Bar bar bar bar Barbar Ann) Oh Barbara Ann take my hand (Bar bar bar bar Barbar Ann) Barbara ...
Battalions Of Fear lyrics
Can't believe the things I see That happens in the state By a mortal distance that I can't believe Self destructive infernal To save us from the breed...
Battle Of Sudden Flame lyrics
Oh lord here I stand Suddely everything's gone For all Noldor From now on my life Is my gift to you Just lead my fate To the victory Of elves
Battlefield lyrics
It cannot be seen but there's blood on the green Only God knows I'm innocent Take me, take me home A dark seed reigns in me Like the storm rules over ...
Battlefield [Polish translation]
Nie widać tego Lecz krew zrosiła zieleń Bóg jeden wie, że jestem niewinny Weź, weź mnie do domu Nasienie zła we mnie drzemie Niczym sztorm władający m...
Battlefield [Spanish translation]
No puede verse, pero hay sangre sobre el campo Solo Dios sabe que soy inocente Llévame, llévame a casa Una oscura simiente reina en mí como la torment...
Black Chamber lyrics
I am lost in the black chamber There's no way to turn back It takes me down forevermore And death would be so sweet I'm possessed by the old creature ...
Black Chamber [Turkish translation]
Kara odada kayboldum Geri dönmemin imkanı yok Beni sonsuza dek yutuyor Ve ölüm, çok hoş olacak Her şeyi planlayan kadim yaratık Ele geçirdi beni Ruhum...
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