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Blind Guardian lyrics
Valhalla [Russian translation]
Перевод группы "Корсар" * За высью туч Над твердью круч На трон теней Воссел Могрей Отворяй врата, друг, король явился В рог труби, осанну пой, хвалу ...
Valhalla [Turkish translation]
Yüksek göklerde, kartalların uçtuğu yerde Morgray, karanlık, geçiyor tahta Aç kapıları ardına kadar, dostum Kral gelecek zira Üfle boruyu ve şükret, ş...
Valkyries lyrics
To the gods of the north I pray And raise my cup for the fallen ones Then I cry In Valhalla they'll sing Rain Red blood keeps pouring down Come Valkyr...
Valkyries [French translation]
Aux Dieux du Nord ,j''adresse mes prières Et lève ma coupe pour ceux qui sont tombés Puis je pleure Au Valhalla1 ils chanteront En pluie Le sang2 cont...
Valkyries [Turkish translation]
Dua ederim Kuzeyin Tanrılarına Ve kadehimi ölenlerin şerefine kaldırırım Zira ağlarım Valhallada** söyleyecekler şarkılarını Yağmur misali Kızıl kan d...
Wait For An Answer lyrics
I cannot say that I don't care cause I'm aware Of everyone and everything they're everywhere Don't be a fool Stop spinning around (Spinning around) Yo...
War Feeds War lyrics
This phantom thought divides us The fearsome warriors A god so jealous Obscures the great divine This pain is endless This world's insane This war is ...
War of the Thrones lyrics
Nothing will grow here Icy fields - blackened sorrow Legacy of a lost mind Feed my void What you're waiting for I'm too late It is more than a game Th...
War of the Thrones [Greek translation]
Τίποτα δεν θα μεγαλώσει εδώ Παγωμένα λιβάδια και μαυρισμένη θλίψη Κληρονομιά ενός χαμένου νου Γέμισε το κενό μου Τι περιμένεις; Είναι πολύ αργά Είναι ...
War of the Thrones [Turkish translation]
Hiçbir şey yetişmez burada Donmuş topraklar - ıstırapla lekelenmiş Kayıp bir zihnin mirası Doldursana yerimi Ne bekliyorsun Çok geciktim Bu bir oyunda...
War Of Wrath lyrics
The field is lost Everything is lost The black one has fallen from the sky and the towers in ruins lie The enemy is within, everywhere And with him th...
War Of Wrath [Russian translation]
Саурон: Проигран бой… Вспыхнул он звездой, Низвергся с небес Анкалагон, рукою его сражен. Их воинству нет числа, всюду враг – Ненавистный свет, топот,...
War Of Wrath [Russian translation]
Поле битвы потеряно, Все потеряно. Черный дракон низвергнут с небес и башни лежат в руинах. Враг внутри, везде, А с ним - свет, скоро они будут здесь....
Welcome To Dying lyrics
Close to insanity beyond the realms I've been at darkest places I'm crying "The dragon flies" Something savage is yearning for me I'm waiting afraid f...
Welcome To Dying [Greek translation]
Στα πρόθυρα της παραφροσύνης βρέθηκα πέρα από τα όρια σε θεοσκότεινους τόπους Κλαίω "Ο δράξος πετάει" Κάτι άγριο με επιθυμεί Περιμένω το βράδυ φοβισμέ...
Wheel Of Time lyrics
Now there is no end The wheel will turn, my friend I'm in flames Cause I have touched the light It pulls me son we shall be one Forevermore That's all...
Wheel Of Time [Spanish translation]
Ahora no hay final La Rueda girará, amigo mío Estoy en llamas porque he tocado la Luz Me atrae hacia sí para ser uno solo por siempre jamás Esto es to...
When Sorrow Sang lyrics
So let me out of it Out of the cold To bring back light and hope for all And so if I could get you in Just for a little while Into the songs of sorrow...
Wizard's Crown lyrics
Years ago I came back this has been my hardest attack A burning fire's in my brain I could feel the deadly flame Tales of the magic in my head to a da...
You're The Voice lyrics
We have The chance to turn pages over We can write what we want to write We gotta make ends meet before we get much older We're all someone's daughter...
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