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Blind Guardian lyrics
To France lyrics
Taking on water, sailing a restless sea From a memory, a fantasy The wind carries into white water Far from the islands Don't you know you're... Never...
To France [German translation]
Das Schiff ist leck, du segelst auf schwerer See Aus einer Erinnerung; ein Traumbild Trägt der Wind durchs schäumende Wasser, Weit weg von den Inseln....
To France [Ukrainian translation]
Ваш човен лине морем бурхливим Ніби зі спогаду, із мрії Вітер несе вас у білі води Далі від островів Тобі вже… Не дістатись Франції Мері, королева уда...
A Dark Passage lyrics
I feel cold Facing the darkness The light's gone away Deep in his castle he said All land'll be mine There's one thing for sure The triumph of shadow ...
A Dark Passage [French translation]
(Je me sens froid) Face à l'obscurité La lumière s'est éteinte Au fond de son château, il a dit "Que toutes les terres soient à moi" Il y a une chose ...
A Dark Passage [Russian translation]
так холодно перед приходом тьмы весь свет ушел в чертогах замка своего сказал он земли все моими будут уверен я в одном господство тени близко в черто...
A Dark Passage [Turkish translation]
Üşüyorum Işık söndü Karanlıkla yüz yüzeyim Kalesinin derinliklerinden bağırdı Tüm topraklar benim olacak Hiç kuşku yok ki Gölgenin zaferi yakındır diy...
A Past And Future Secret lyrics
Oh, I haven't been here for a while In blindness and decay The circle's been closed, now My song of the end I've seen it all Listen crowd I'll tell yo...
A Past And Future Secret [Russian translation]
0,сколько же я не был тут незримо и во тлен круг был закрыт,теперь песнь о конце моя я видел это всё услышьте же вокруг я расскажу всё вам хотя хочу с...
A Past And Future Secret [Turkish translation]
Ah, bir süredir buraya gelmemiştim Gaflet ve çöküş içinde Çember kapatıldı, şimdi Benim son şarkım Her şeyi gördüm Dinleyin ahali Size her şeyi anlata...
A Voice In The Dark lyrics
A sense of denial Come witness my trial The crow has turned into a liar I'll live, I may die I've failed though I've tried But finally I fly It is the...
A Voice In The Dark [German translation]
Ein Gefühl der Ablehnung Komm und bezeuge meinen Prozess1 Die Krähe ist in einen Lügner verwandelt worden Ich werde leben, ich könnte sterben Ich bin ...
A Voice In The Dark [Greek translation]
Μια αίσθηση άρνησης Έλα, γίνε μάρτυρας της δίκης μου Το κοράκι έγινε ψεύτης Θα ζήσω, ίσως να πεθάνω Απέτυχα αν και προσπάθησα Αλλά τελικά πετάω Είναι ...
A Voice In The Dark [Swedish translation]
En känsla av förnekelse Kom witness min test Kråkan har förvandlats till en lögnare Jag lever , jag kan dö Jag har misslyckats men jag har provat Men ...
Age Of False Innocence lyrics
Cut off the light, take a look There's nothing beyond but pain Suffer in the deepest void The flame of hope is gone What have I done? Denied the fathe...
All The King's Horses lyrics
I can feel I'm one With the tortured land With its solitude and decay There's no one left All the other men Pass on through the night All dead and gon...
All The King's Horses [Turkish translation]
Bir başıma olduğumu hissediyorum Mahvolmuş araziyle Arazinin ıssızlığı ve haraplığıyla Benden başka kimse kalmadı Diğer tüm askerler Geceye karıştılar...
Altair 4 lyrics
At Hilly's show they didn't know that the Ending of "Being" is near I can feel their voices the old man cries "Please save the boy he's caught in a wo...
And the Story Ends lyrics
And the story ends Insanity said coldly Still waiting for the chance So out of nowhere it will rise Oh, and another journey starts By the call of the ...
And the Story Ends [Russian translation]
«Вот и сказке конец» — Холодно промолвило безумие Все всё еще в ожидании шанса, Так что из ниоткуда оно восстанет О, и начнётся новое приключение, Лиш...
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