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George Michael lyrics
Heaven Help Me [French translation]
Si tu le veux, Tu peux l'avoir Voilà ce que tu as fit Mais je ne veux pas des choses Que tu abandonnes derrière toi Prends les photos Prends les fenêt...
I Can't Make You Love Me lyrics
Turn down the light Turn down the bed Turn down these voices inside my head Lay down with me Tell me no lies Just hold me close Don't patronise Don't ...
I Can't Make You Love Me [French translation]
Baisse la lumière Baisse le lit Baisse ces voix à l'intérieur de ma tête Étends-toi à mes côtés Ne me raconte pas de mensonges Serre-moi simplement co...
I Can't Make You Love Me [German translation]
Dreh das Licht runter Zieh die Decke zur Seite Stell die Stimmen in meinem Kopf leiser Leg dich mit mir hin Erzähl keine Lügen Halt mich einfach nur f...
I Can't Make You Love Me [Hungarian translation]
Kapcsold le a lámpát Hajtsd be az ágyat Halkítsd le ezeket a hangokat a fejemben Feküdj le velem Ne mesélj hazugságokat Csak tart közel Ne oltalmazz N...
I Can't Make You Love Me [Italian translation]
Spegni la luce, Tira giù il letto Abbassa queste voci dentro la mia testa Stenditi con me, non dirmi bugie Semplicemente stringimi, Non fare il patern...
I Can't Make You Love Me [Romanian translation]
Stinge lumina, Pregăteşte patul, Alungă vocile din capul meu, Întinde-te lângă mine, Nu mă minţi, Doar ţine-mă aproape de tine, Nu mă trata de sus, Nu...
I Can't Make You Love Me [Serbian translation]
Izgasi svetlo Spusti krevet Izgasi ove glasove u mojoj glavi Lezi sa mnom Ne govori mi lazi Samo me drzi blizu Ne štiti Ne štiti me Jer te ja ne mogu ...
I Can't Make You Love Me [Turkish translation]
Işığı kapat Yatağını hazırla Sustur bu sesleri kafamın içindeki Uyu benimle Bana artık yalan söyleme, sıkıca tutun Patronluk taslama Patronluk taslama...
George Michael - I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me]
Like a warrior that fights And wins the battle I know the taste of victory Though I went through some nights Consumed by the shadows And was crippled ...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Croatian translation]
Poput vojnika koji se bori i pobijedi u bitki, ja poznajem okus pobjede Iako sam neke noći proveo obuzet i proždiran sjenama, i bio emocionalno zakržl...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [French translation]
Tel un guerrier qui lutte Et remporte le combat, Je connais le goût de la victoire Bien que j'aie traversé certaines nuits Consommé par les ombres Et ...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [German translation]
Wie ein Krieger, der kämpft Und die Schlacht gewinnt So kenne ich den Geschmack des Sieges Auch wenn ich durch schlechte Zeiten ging Von den Schatten ...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Greek translation]
Σαν τον πολεμιστή που πολεμάει Και κερδίζει την μάχη Γνωρίζω την γεύση της νίκης Αν και πέρασα κάποιες νύχτες, Απορροφημένη απ' τις σκιές Ήμουν συναισ...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Hungarian translation]
Mint egy harcos aki küzd És győz a csatában Ismerem a győzelem ízét Habár átéltem néhány éjszakát Mikor árnyak emésztettek Érzelmileg megbénultam Vala...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Polish translation]
Jak wojownik, który walczy I wygrywa bitwę Znam smak zwycięstwa. Chociaż przeżyłem kilka nocy Pochłoniętych przez cienie Byłem emocjonalnie okaleczony...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Romanian translation]
Ca un războinic care luptă și câștigă bătălia cunosc gustul victoriei Deși am petrecut câteva nopți obsedat și devorat de umbre și am fost afectat emo...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Russian translation]
Каквоин, который сражается И выигрывает бой, Я знаю радость победы. Хотя, в некоторые ночи Мне являлись видения, И это вызывало болезненные переживани...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Serbian translation]
Као ратник који се бори И победи у бици Ја знак укус победе Иако сам прошла кроз неке ноћи Потрошене на сенкама И била емотивно осакаћена Некако сам у...
I Knew You Were Waiting [For Me] [Slovak translation]
Ako bojovník, ktorý bojuje A vyhráva bitku Poznám príchuť víťazstva. Aj keď som prežil niekoľko nocí Pohltených tieňmi A bol som emocionálne zmrzačený...
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