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Bright Eyes lyrics
Act Of Contrition [French translation]
L'air était poussèreux et pas vraiment indompté Le sol s'est ouvert et a englouti toute la pluie Et il t'a engloutie toi aussi, dans une distance inco...
All Of The Truth lyrics
It is not the past few days That have made me feel this way And it is not the tiny marks of doubt That cover everything I see It is just the way she l...
All Of The Truth [French translation]
Ce n'est pas à cause des derniers jours Que je me sens ainsi Et ce ne sont pas les minuscules traces du doute Qui recouvrent tout ce que je vois C'est...
Amy In The White Coat lyrics
You take your clothes off right after school The tea is on, the flame is blue You hope this won't take all afternoon The tv's waiting to talk to you I...
Amy In The White Coat [Greek translation]
Βγάζεις τα ρούχα σου αμέσως μετά το σχολείο Το τσάι ετοιμάζεται, η φλόγα είναι μπλε Ελπίζεις πως αυτό δεν θα διαρκέσει όλο το μεσημέρι Η τηλεόραση περ...
An Attempt To Tip The Scales lyrics
Did you expect it all to stop At the wave of your hand? Like the sun's just gonna drop If it's night you demand. Well, in the dark we're just air So t...
Another Travelin' Song lyrics
Well I'm changing all my strings I'm gonna write another traveling song About all the billion highways and the cities at the break of dawn Well I gues...
Another Travelin' Song [Portuguese translation]
Bem, estou mudando todas as cordas Irei escrever outra canção de viagem Sobre todos os bilhões de rodovias e as cidades ao amanhecer Bem, acho que o m...
Approximate Sunlight lyrics
I used to dream of time machines Now it's been said we're post-everything As a child imagining Neck ties and Coast lines I seen the show man, what a s...
Approximate Sunlight [French translation]
Autrefois, je rêvais de machines à voyager dans le temps Maintenant on dit être post-tout Lorsque j'étais enfant, imaginant Des noeuds papillons et de...
Approximate Sunlight [Russian translation]
Я имел обыкновение мечтать о машине времени Теперь как говорят, у нас все позади Как в детском считалке Шея рифмуется с морскими берегами Я видел шоу-...
Approximate Sunlight [Spanish translation]
Solía soñar con máquinas del tiempo Ahora se dice que somos post-todo Como un niño imaginando Corbatas y líneas de costa He visto al hombre del show, ...
Approximate Sunlight [Turkish translation]
Ben zaman makineleri hayal ederdim Şimdi biz sonundan ileri her şeyimsin dedi oldu Bir çocuk tahayyül olarak Kravatlar ve sahil hatları Ben şov adamı ...
Arc Of Time lyrics
You can make a plan Carve it into stone Like a feather falling That is still unknown Until the clock speaks up Says it's time to go You can choose the...
Arienette lyrics
The fragile keep secrets Gathered in pockets And they will sell them for nothing A cheap watch or locket That kind of gold washes off And the sad act ...
Arienette [Russian translation]
Пешки прячут секреты В карманах И продают за бесценок - Часики или медальон, Но этим не обогатишься. А печальные, как прокажённые, Уходят в тень, Хотя...
Arienette [Russian translation]
Болезненные (люди)хранят секреты в своих карманах. И кто-то продаст им бесполезные дешевые часы или медальон. Но поддельное золото легко стирается. И ...
At the Bottom of Everything lyrics
So there was this woman and she was on an airplane, and she was flying to meet her fiancé seaming high above the largest ocean on planet earth. She wa...
At the Bottom of Everything [German translation]
Nun, da war diese Frau und sie war in einem Flugzeug, und sie flog um ihren Verlobten zu treffen, hoch über dem größten Ozean des Planeten Erde. Sie s...
At the Bottom of Everything [Spanish translation]
Entonces estaba esta mujer y ella estaba en un avión, estaba volando para verse con su prometido, sobrevolando uno de los océanos más grandes del plan...
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