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Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics
John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane lyrics
[Rambo] All right, I guess I'll be the one to draw First Blood. [Wick] Or maybe you could draw an audience to see any of your new movies. [McClane] Co...
John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane [French translation]
[Rambo] Ok, j'imagine que je vais être le Dévastateur. [Wick] C'est plutôt le public qui est dévasté devant tes nouveaux films. [McClane] Viens à Los ...
John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane [Italian translation]
[Rambo] Bene, mi sa che sarò io il primo a colpire 1 [Wick] O magari potresti prima attirare un po' di pubblico a vedere qualcuno dei tuoi nuovi film....
Justin Bieber vs Beethoven lyrics
[Justin Bieber:] Look what the cat dragged back from the dead! Man, it looks like Chewbacca wiped his ass on your head! I'm the next Michael Jackson! ...
Justin Bieber vs Beethoven [German translation]
Sehen was die Katze von den Toten geschleppt hat! Mann, es sieht so aus als hätte Chewbacca seinen Arsch am Kopf gewischt! Ich bin der nächste Michael...
Justin Bieber vs Beethoven [Italian translation]
[Bieber] Guarda un po' chi è uscito dalla tomba Amico, sembra che Chewbacca si sia pulito il culo sulla tua testa Sono il nuovo Michael Jackson, tu pu...
King Henry VIII vs Hillary Clinton lyrics
[King Henry VIII] I am Henry the Eighth, king of England, Ireland, and Wales You are a presidential candidate in a pantsuit who fails Girls don't belo...
King Henry VIII vs Hillary Clinton [Italian translation]
[King Henry VIII] I am Henry the Eighth, king of England, Ireland, and Wales You are a presidential candidate in a pantsuit who fails Girls don't belo...
Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted lyrics
[Lewis & Clark] You can't be starting with Lewis and Clark 'Cause we cut a path through MCs like a walk in the park Then give 'em back a whole stack o...
Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted [Italian translation]
[Lewis & Clark] Non starete davvero sfidando Lewis e Clark? 1 Perché per noi stracciare MC 2 è facile come una passeggiata nel parco E poi gli rendiam...
Mario Bros vs Wright Bros lyrics
Wright Brothers: We're the Wright Brothers, and there can't be no other! We don't wanna cause trouble. Are you looking for your lover? 'Cause your pri...
Mario Bros vs Wright Bros [Italian translation]
[i fratelli Wright] Siamo i fratelli Wright e siamo gli unici! Non vogliamo creare problemi. State cercando la vostra amante? 1 Perché la vostra princ...
Mario Bros vs Wright Bros [Russian translation]
Райт братья: Мы Райт братья и не может быть никаких других! Мы не хотим причинять неприятности. Вы ищите свою возлюбленную? Потому что ваша принцесса ...
Mario Bros vs Wright Bros [Spanish translation]
Somos los hermanos Wright y no puede existir otro! No quieremos a causar problemas Estas buscando por tu amante? Porque tu princesa esta en nuestro ca...
Master Chief vs Leonidas lyrics
Leonidas: Spartans! Let's start this! Show this petty officer who's the hardest! The biggest mistake that you've ever made! I'll toss you like a frag ...
Master Chief vs Leonidas [Italian translation]
[Leonida] Spartani! Cominciamo! Facciamo vedere a questo sottufficiale 1 chi è il più duro! Il tuo più grande errore Ti scaglierò via come una granata...
Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley lyrics
Michael Jackson (Young): Oooh! Elvis Presley as I live and breathe! You stole rock and roll, gave us rockabilly cheese! You dance like an epileptic, n...
Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley [Italian translation]
[Jackson - bambino] Uh! Sei proprio Elvis Presley! 1 Ci hai rubato il rock'n'roll e ci hai dato quello schifo di rockabilly 2 Balli come un epilettico...
Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley [Spanish translation]
Uh, Elvis Presley como yo vivo y respira! Tu robaste "rock and roll" Has dado queso "rockabilly"! Bailas como un epileptico Nada pero pies izquierdos!...
Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali lyrics
[Michael Jordan] Why don't you dodge this battle like you did Vietnam? 'Cause you got as much chance of beating me as LeBron I'm a flying machine, lik...
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