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Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics
J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin [Italian translation]
[Martin] Preparati! 1 Riunisci i tuoi troll ed i tuoi soldati elfici Ed i tuoi ent ed i tuoi orchi, i tuoi mannari selvaggi e i tuoi Pungoli I tuoi na...
Epic Rap Battles of History - Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
Jack the Ripper: Oi mate, pass the liquor! It's Jack the Ripper! Jack the rapper, following you way before the dawn of Twitter! I'm a human trigger wa...
Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter [Italian translation]
[Jack lo Squartatore] Ehi amico, passa il liquore! Sono Jack lo squartatore 1 Jack il rapper, ti seguo da molto prima Che inventassero Twitter 2 Sono ...
Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter [Russian translation]
Джек: Э, братиш,1 передай выпивку! Это Джек-Потрошитель! Джек-Рэпер, (фолловил/преследовал) тебя ещё задолго До Твиттера. Я - причина людских тревог, ...
Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin lyrics
[Cousteau] Jacques Cousteau, here to spit flow Invented Scuba, captained the Calypso Palme d'Or-winning documenter of the ocean Ready to battle a desp...
Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin [French translation]
[Cousteau] Jacques Cousteau, ici pour cracher du flow J'ai inventé le scaphandre autonome, commandé la Calypso Documentariste de l'océan, vainqueur de...
Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin [Italian translation]
[Cousteau] Jacques Cousteau, qui per rappare Ho inventato lo scuba e capitanato la Calypso Autore di un documentario sull'oceano che ha vinto la Palme...
James Bond vs Austin Powers lyrics
[James Bond (Craig)] I’ve beefed with Le Chiffre and No and Blofeld with the cheek scar But they were not as crooked and rotten as your teeth are I’ll...
James Bond vs Austin Powers [French translation]
[James Bond (Craig)] J'ai eu affaire à Le Chiffre, à No, et au balafré Blofeld Mais ils n'étaient pas aussi pourris et moches que tes dents Je vais à ...
Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa lyrics
[Verse 1: Mansa Musa] Wallah, by the holy Quran I lay my hand upon I blaze Bezos, inflict inflammatory damage on Amazon, burn it down like when they p...
Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa [Italian translation]
[Mansa Musa] Giuro su Dio,1 sul santo Corano sul quale pongo la mano 2 Che ustionerò Bezos, infliggerò danni infiammatori 3 Su Amazon, la brucerò come...
Jigsaw Vs GLaDOS lyrics
[Round 1: GLaDOS] It's time to do science, Aperture's mindset of giants, Has the violent defiance to put a puppet to silence! I think you'll find, I'm...
Jim Henson VS Stan Lee lyrics
[Stan Lee] Greetings heroes, Stan Lee's here to battle It's the mind behind The Hulk against the geek beneath the Fraggles I'm just your friendly neig...
Jim Henson VS Stan Lee [French translation]
(Stan Lee) Bien le bonjour les héros, Stan Lee est là pour se battre C'est l'esprit de l'inventeur de Hulk contre le geek derrière les Fraggles. Je su...
Jim Henson VS Stan Lee [Italian translation]
[Stan Lee] Salve, eroi! 1 Stan Lee è qui per lottare La mente dietro Hulk contro il secchione sotto i Fraggles 2 Sono solo il tuo amichevole vicino di...
Jim Henson VS Stan Lee [Spanish translation]
Saludos, heroes! Stan Lee esta aqui para batallar! Es el mente detras el Hulk contra el "geek" bajo el Fraggles! Solo soy tu amistoso escritor de barr...
John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly lyrics
John Lennon: Help! You're making my ears bleed! You need a muzzle! Why are you pissed off all the time? Didn't your mom give you a cuddle? You're the ...
John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly [Italian translation]
[John Lennon] Aiuto! 1 Mi fai sanguinare le orecchie! Ti serve una museruola Perché sei sempre incazzato? Tua mamma non ti coccolava? Sei il tipo di p...
John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly [Russian translation]
Леннон: Help!1 У меня от тебя кровоточат уши! Тебе нужен намордник! Чего ты всё время так бесишься? Тебя в детстве мама не обнимала? Ты явно из тех, к...
John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly [Spanish translation]
Auxilio! Estas haciendo mis oidos sangrar! Nesecitas una bozal! Porque estas jodido todo el tiempo? Tu mama no te ha cariñado? Eres el clase de tipo q...
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