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Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine lyrics
[Freddy Krueger:] 1, 2, Freddy's coming for you, 3, 4, better lock your- lock your- lock your- lock your- Welcome to prime time, bitch! Better stay aw...
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine [French translation]
[Freddy Krueger:] 1, 2, Freddy te coupera en deux, 3, 4, remonte chez toi quatre à- quatre à- quatre à- quatre à- Fais péter l'audimat, salope! Tu fer...
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine [Italian translation]
[Freddy Krueger] 1, 2, Freddy sta venendo a prenderti 3, 4, sarà meglio chiudere - chiudere - chiudere - chiudere - 1 Benvenuto in prima serata, putta...
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine [Spanish translation]
[Freddy Krueger:] 1, 2, Freddy ya viene por ti 3, 4, mejor cierra la- cierra la- cierra la- cierra la- Bienvenidos a horario central, ­¡puta! Mejor qu...
Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson lyrics
[Thomas Jefferson] When in the course of human events It becomes necessary for a battle to commence Then kpow! I hit 'em with the illness of my quill!...
Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson [French translation]
[Thomas Jefferson] Lorsque dans le cours des événements humains, Il devient nécessaire pour une battle de commencer Boum! Je les frappe avec la folie ...
Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson [Italian translation]
[Jefferson] Quando, nel corso delle umane vicende Diventa necessario per uno scontro iniziare 1 Allora, kpow! Li colpisco con la cattiveria del mio ca...
Gandalf vs Dumbledore lyrics
Gandalf: You shall not pass! I rap fast like Shadowfax! Tom Riddle me this, you bitch: How's your little wand gonna beat my staff? I leave mics in fla...
Gandalf vs Dumbledore [Italian translation]
[Gandalf] Tu non puoi passare! 1 Rappo veloce come Ombromanto 2 Tom, indovinami questo, 3 troia: come farà la tua piccola bacchetta a battere il mio b...
Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. lyrics
[Verse 1: Gandhi] You want to battle wits? see who's a better pacifist I fought the caste system, but you still cannot touch this Slumdog skillionaire...
Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. [Chinese translation]
[第1節:甘地] 你想要比賽幽默?看看誰是個更好的和平主義者 我為種姓制度而戰,但你連我的衣領都碰不上1 貧民窟的百萬智者2,名字叫救世主 我的饒舌炙手可熱,熱得噴出瑜珈之火3 你鼓吹的所有思想都是我先說的 你應該寫下這些句子,把我全段說話都抄襲下來 把你的思想掛在門上,就像真的馬丁.路得4 我不認...
Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr. [Italian translation]
[Gandhi] Vuoi fare a gara di intelligenza? Vedere chi è il miglior pacifista? Ho combattuto il sistema delle caste, ma non puoi comunque toccarmi 1 Ge...
Genghis Khan vs Easter Bunny lyrics
Easter Bunny: How you gonna battle? I invented hip-hopping! My little tail swinging and my big ears flopping! The Easter Bunny, baby. I deserve to be ...
Genghis Khan vs Easter Bunny [Italian translation]
[il Coniglio Pasquale] Come farai a batterti? L'hip-hop l'ho inventato io 1 La mia codina scodinzola e le mie grandi orecchie dondolano Sono il Conigl...
George Carlin vs Richard Pryor lyrics
[George Carlin] Here we go, it's George Carlin. I'm a mad dog snarling I was born in the Bronx and brought up in Harlem I'm dope at spitting bars and ...
George Carlin vs Richard Pryor [French translation]
[George Carlin] On y va, c'est George Carlin, je suis fou furieux et hargneux Je suis né dans le Bronx et a été élevé à Harlem Je suis un boss pour lâ...
George Carlin vs Richard Pryor [Italian translation]
[George Carlin] Eccoci qua, sono George Carlin. Sono un cane pazzo che ringhia Nato nel Bronx e cresciuto a Harlem Sono forte nel rap e nel far scoppi...
George Washington vs William Wallace lyrics
[George Washington] There's a difference between you and me, Willy I fought 'till I was actually Free, Willy I got my face on a quarter You got drawn ...
George Washington vs William Wallace [Italian translation]
[Washington] C'è una differenza tra te e me, Willy Io ho combattuto finché non sono diventato davvero libero, Willy 1 Ho la mia faccia su un quarto di...
Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters lyrics
[The Ghostbusters] Are you tired of two geeks in mustaches Who can manage to be boring with explosions and crashes? If you, or the Lorax, wanna bust l...
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