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Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics
Darth Vader vs Hitler [Italian translation]
Adolf Hitler: I am Adolf Hitler: Commander of the Third Reich! Little known fact: also dope on the mic! You are Vader, with your little boots and cape...
Darth Vader vs Hitler [Spanish translation]
Adolf Hitler: I am Adolf Hitler: Commander of the Third Reich! Little known fact: also dope on the mic! You are Vader, with your little boots and cape...
David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini lyrics
[Harry Houdini] You've never seen a body quite the same as that of Houdini Slippery like linguine, sneaking outta teeny-weenie Little spaces small eno...
David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini [French translation]
[Harry Houdini] Vous ne verrez jamais un corps identique à celui de Houdini Mince comme une pâte italienne, se faufilant comme teeny-weenie Des espace...
David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini [Italian translation]
[Harry Houdini] Non hai mai visto un corpo simile a quello di Houdini Molle come linguine, sgattaiolando fuori da spazi minuscoli Piccoli abbastanza d...
Deadpool vs Boba Fett lyrics
[Deadpool] Oh, is it me? Well here's my first issue I barely even know enough about you to diss you But do you guys honestly think that I'd screw this...
Deadpool vs Boba Fett [French translation]
[Deadpool] Oh, c'est moi? Bien, c'est ma première apparition J'en sais même que trop peu sur toi pour te démonter Mais les gars, vous pensez vraiment ...
Deadpool vs Boba Fett [Italian translation]
[Deadpool] Oh, tocca a me? Be', ecco il primo problema 1 Di te so a malapena quel che basta per offenderti 2 Ma voi, gente, 3 pensate davvero che fare...
Doc Brown vs Doctor Who lyrics
The Tenth Doctor: (Ooh!) Actually, if you don't mind, it's just "the Doctor". Doesn't even really matter who. Who am I even talking to? Oh yes, you! T...
Doc Brown vs Doctor Who [Italian translation]
[il 10° dottore] Uh, in realtà, se non ti dispiace, è soltanto "il dottore" 1 Non importa veramente "chi" Ma con chi sto parlando? Ah sì, tu! L'emulo ...
Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge lyrics
[Donald Trump] Wake up, Scrooge! I'm about to take a Dickens of a dump On this lonely, homely little miserable grump I'm like the star on a Christmas ...
Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge [Azerbaijani translation]
[Donald Tramp] Oyan Scrooge! Dikensin zibilini almağa hazırlaşıram Bu yanlız, sadə kiçik səfil deyingəndən Milad ağacının üzərindəki ulduz kimiyəm, sə...
Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge [Italian translation]
[Trump] 1 Sveglia, Scrooge! Sto per ricoprire con una montagna di merda 2 Questo miserabile piccolo brontolone, rozzo e solitario Io sono la stella su...
Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton lyrics
[Hillary Clinton] I've been in this game too long I'm a public servant Have been since I met MLK in person I'm a woman of the people, that's for certa...
Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton [French translation]
[Hillary Clinton] J'suis dans ce jeu depuis trop longtemps Je suis fonctionnaire, Je le suis depuis que j'ai rencontré MLK* en personne Je suis une fe...
Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton [Italian translation]
[Clinton] Sono dentro a questo gioco da troppo tempo Sono un funzionario statale Lo sono stata da quando ho incontrato Martin Luther King in persona S...
Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton [Polish translation]
[Hillary Clinton] Za długo gram w tą grę Jestem urzędnikiem państwowym Odkąd osobiście poznałam MLK(1) Jestem kobietą ludu,to pewne Należysz do ludzi ...
Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton [Russian translation]
[Хиллари Клинтон] Я cлишком долга была в этой игре Я слуга народа C момента личной встречи с МЛК (Мартин Лютер Кинг) Я женщина народа - это точно Ты м...
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden lyrics
[Donald Trump] It's the DJT, gettin' it on The Teflon Don on the White House lawn Against wimps like you, I'll win a third term Your campaign's like y...
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden [Dutch translation]
[Donald Trump] Het is de DJT, die er mee begint De Teflon man op het Witte Huis gazon Tegen gasten als jou, ga ik een derde termijn winnen Jou campagn...
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