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Epic Rap Battles of History lyrics
Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates [Latvian translation]
Stīvs Džobs: Ļaujiet man iejaukties Man vēl ir lietas, kas jāizgudro Mainīt pasauli Iekļūt Fortune 500 sarakstā pirms noskūpstīt meiteni Esmu suteners...
Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates [Portuguese translation]
Deixe eu começar Tenho coisas para inventar Sou um inovador, Mudo o mundo Apareci na Fortune 500 antes de você beijar uma garota Eu sou pop você é um ...
Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates [Spanish translation]
Solo dejame a empenzar Yo tengo cosas a inventar! Soy un innovador, bebe Cambio el mundo! "Fortune" 500 antes besaste una niña! Soy un chulo, eres una...
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock lyrics
Steven Spielberg: Picture a child sitting next to a projector, Learning from your films to become a much better director. Now, picture a 3-billion-dol...
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock [French translation]
Steven Spielberg : Imagine-toi un enfant assis à côté d'un projecteur, Apprenant de tes films pour devenir un bien meilleur réalisateur. Maintenant im...
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock [Italian translation]
[Spielberg] Immagina un bambino seduto accanto a un proiettore Che impara dai tuoi film ad essere un regista molto migliore Adesso immagina una macchi...
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock [Russian translation]
Спилберг: Представь себе ребёнка, сидящего перед проектором, Учащегося на твоих фильмах, чтобы стать гораздо лучшим режиссёром. Теперь представь себе ...
Terminator vs Robocop lyrics
[RoboCop] Freeze! I suggest you use your right to remain silent Before I show your Gobot ass some Detroit violence I'm like an X-Wing commander 'cause...
Terminator vs Robocop [French translation]
[RoboCop] Pas un geste! Tu as le droit de garder le silence Avant que je fasse subir à ton cul de GoBots un peu de violence de Detroit Je suis comme l...
Terminator vs Robocop [Italian translation]
[Robocop] Fermo! Ti suggerisco di usare il tuo diritto di rimanere in silenzio Prima che mostri al tuo culo da Gobot un po' della violenza di Detroit ...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer lyrics
[Thanos] I am inevitable, immeasurable, inexorable, monstrous With bars weighing on you harder Than your haunting guilty conscience I am Thanos, and I...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer [French translation]
[Thanos] Je suis inéluctable, incommensurable, inexorable, monstrueux Avec des rimes qui vont te peser encore plus fort Que ta culpabilité Je suis Tha...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer [Italian translation]
[Thanos] Sono ineluttabile, 1 incommensurabile, inesorabile, mostruoso Le mie rime pesano su di te Più di quella coscienza sporca che ti tormenta 2 So...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer [Polish translation]
[Thanos] Jestem nieunikniony, niemierzalny, nieubłagany, monstrualny Z tekstami1 ciążącymi na tobie bardziej Niż twoje nieczyste sumienie Jestem Thano...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer [Russian translation]
Танос: Я неизбежен, неизмерим, неумолим, чудовищен, Мои строки загрузят тебя сильнее, Чем твой комплекс вины. Я Танос. Я крушу треки, как Тессеракты в...
Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer [Turkish translation]
[Thanos] Ben kaçınılmaz , ölçülemez , acımasız , canavarım Sana daha fazla ağırlık veren çubuklarla Sana musallat olan vicdan azabından daha fazla Ben...
The Joker vs Pennywise lyrics
[The Joker] In my first appearance, the Bat was supposed to slay me But I can't be killed, that's why they cast a Phoenix to play me I'm the Harlequin...
The Joker vs Pennywise [French translation]
[Le Joker] A ma première apparition, Batman était censé m'assassiner, Mais je ne peux pas être tué, c'est pour ça qu'on a demandé à un Phoenix1 de me ...
The Joker vs Pennywise [German translation]
[The Joker)] Bei meinem ersten Auftritt sollte Batman mich vernichten Doch ich kann nicht umgebracht werden, deshalb nahmen sie einen Phoenix um meine...
The Joker vs Pennywise [Italian translation]
[Joker] Quando sono apparso per la prima volta, il pipistrello avrebbe dovuto farmi fuori 1 Ma non possono uccidermi, ecco perché hanno preso un Phoen...
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