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Lauris Reiniks lyrics
Es neesmu neprātīgs [Polish translation]
Chodź ze mną dalej, nawet jeśli boisz się mrozu na koniuszkach palców. Będziemy jak złodzieje szczęścia. Obiecuję, że tej nocy nie przyznam się, jak b...
Es Skrienu lyrics
Man galva kūp, zeme deg, rokas trīc Pēdas man svilst Es traucos tevi vēlreiz apraudzīt Pirms trauki plīst Kurstojums vai vējš Sekundes tie dzēš Pulsē ...
Es Skrienu [English translation]
My head is smoking, the ground is on fire, hands are shaking My feet are burning I'm hurrying to see you once again Before the dishes are breaking Cro...
Gali būt lyrics
Gali būt, mes paskubėjom Gali būt, tai ką turėjom Leidom, paleidom, bet sugrįžom Gali būt Tamsoje Slepiam ilgesį ir akyse Nebežvilgančiose Atiduok sav...
Gali būt [English translation]
Maybe we rushed Maybe everything we had We let go, but we came back Maybe In the dark We're hiding yearning in the eyes Which don't look at each other...
Hello from Mars lyrics
Time would pass me by if I Had never asked you why You're eyes were open wide That day you saw me cry I'm not that kind of girl Who only dreams of pea...
Hommik võilille-ehmetes lyrics
Noor koit uduvoost tõstab pead Ta meis mõlemast loodab head Ei saa ma ööst loobuda On peidus meis veel ta Pelgan, pelgan, et ärgates võid Sa öelda, et...
Hommik võilille-ehmetes [English translation]
A young dawn raises its head from the fog It hopes for good in both of us I cannot break away from the night It is still hiding in us I fear, I fear, ...
Ich renne lyrics
Mir raucht der Kopf, denn die Luft, ja, sie brennt: ich muß zu dir! Du hast genug, 's ist der letzte Moment, sagtest du mir Gegenwind, Verkehr machen ...
Ich renne [English translation]
My head is spinning because the air, yes, it burns: I have to reach you! You had enough, that is the last moment That's what you said Headwind, traffi...
Je cours lyrics
Ma tête résonne, mon corps m'abandonne je n'en peux plus le compte à rebours a débuté pour te garder traverser les rues et les avenues à corps perdu d...
Je cours [English translation]
Ma tête résonne, mon corps m'abandonne je n'en peux plus le compte à rebours a débuté pour te garder traverser les rues et les avenues à corps perdu d...
Katru dienu lyrics
Tu mani uzzīmē kâ lietu Un tad noslēp atvilktnē Tu mani nospēlē kâ dziesmu Ko dungot savā iztēlē Tu mani apēd brokastīs Un uzdzer kokakolu Ar manu sir...
Katru dienu [English translation]
Tu mani uzzīmē kâ lietu Un tad noslēp atvilktnē Tu mani nospēlē kâ dziesmu Ko dungot savā iztēlē Tu mani apēd brokastīs Un uzdzer kokakolu Ar manu sir...
Keerleval kaljul lyrics
Sa läkisid kui loojus kuu tähises taevas Ihuüksi jälle ma jäin. Sa tulid kui soojus mu piinade vaevas rahu lootust endaga tõid. Ma keerleval kaljul se...
Keerleval kaljul [English translation]
You went as the Moon came up in the starry sky I was once again all alone You came as a warmth in toil of my misery Brought to me peace and hope I sta...
Keerleval kaljul [Tongan translation]
Ke 'alu lolotonga ni he hiki 'o e Māhina 'i he langi fetu'u'ia Kuo toe nofo tautaha 'e au Ke ha'u lolotonga ki he ngāue fakamamafana 'o 'eku loto mama...
Kokosrieksts lyrics
Vēji pūš un smiltis gaisā skrien Bet es smaidu un gaidu vēl aizvien Tieši ko, ja saules it kâ pietiek man Un kaiju saldās klaigas arīdzan Lūkojoties l...
Kokosrieksts [English translation]
Winds are blowing and sands are running in the air But I'm smiling and still waiting Exactly what, if sun is more or less enough for me And also the s...
Koşuyorum lyrics
Telaşlıyım yine, başım duman, Son şansım bu aman Sevdiğim kız bana küsmüş her an Tehlike var inan! Küs müyüz yine? Ya gelirsem diye - hiç düşündün mü?...
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