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Weird Al Yankovic lyrics
Melanie lyrics
[Chorus:] Me-he-he-helanie What can the problem be Sweet Me-he-he-he-helanie Why won't you go out with me She lived across the street on the fifteenth...
Mission Statement lyrics
We must all efficiently operationalize our strategies, invest in world-class technology, and leverage our core competencies, in order to holistically ...
Mission Statement [Italian translation]
Dobbiamo tutti operazionalizzare le nostre strategie in modo efficiente, investire in tecnologie di prima classe, fare leva sulle nostre competenze fo...
Mission Statement [Italian translation]
Dobbiamo tutti operazionalizzare le nostre strategie in modo efficiente, investire in tecnologie world-class, e fare leva sulle nostre core competency...
My Balogna lyrics
Ooh, my little hungry one, hungry one Open up a package of my bologna Ooh, I think the toast is done, the toast is done Top it with a little of my bol...
My Balogna [German translation]
Ooh, my little hungry one, hungry one Open up a package of my bologna Ooh, I think the toast is done, the toast is done Top it with a little of my bol...
Ode To A Superhero lyrics
Peter Parker was pitiful Couldn't have been any shyer Mary Jane still wouldn't notice him Even if his hair was on fire But then one day he went to tha...
Ode To A Superhero [Italian translation]
Peter Parker era patetico non avrebbe potuto essere più timido Mary Jane non l'avrebbe notato nemmeno se i suoi capelli fossero andati a fuoco Ma poi ...
Ode To A Superhero [Japanese translation]
ピーター・パーカーは哀れなやつだった やつほどシャイな男の子はいないだろう 髪の毛が今にも燃えているというのに メリー・ジェーンは彼に気づきやしない ラボに見学に行ったある日のこと クモの変異体が降りてきて ピーターはいまやどんな壁もよじ登り 街中を飛び移る らりら りりら らら りりららら スパイ...
Ode To A Superhero [Spanish translation]
Peter Parker era lamentable No podría haber sido nada más tímido Mary Jane todavía no lo notaría Incluso si su pelo estaba en llamas Pero entonces un ...
Pac-Man lyrics
I used to be a pinball freak That's where you'd find me every week But now it's Pacman Yeah it's the Pacman I love to gobble up those dots Keep pumpin...
Pancreas lyrics
I'm always thinkin' 'bout it I don't know what I'd do without it I love, I really love My pancreas My spleen just doesn't matter Don't really care abo...
Party In The CIA lyrics
I moved out to Langley recently With a plain and simple dream Wanna infiltrate some Third World place And topple their regime Those men in black with ...
Party In The CIA [Japanese translation]
最近ラングレーに引っ越したんだ 素朴で平凡な夢をもってね 第三世界の国家に潜伏して 政権をひっくり返すんだ お揃いのスーツケースを持った背広の男たち 最小限の情報だけを教えられるのさ エージェントはみんな気取り屋で 諜報活動はお手のもの ひどく汗をかいてるけど、実は極秘任務に ちょっぴりと憧れてたり...
Party In The CIA [Russian translation]
Я недавно перевёлся в Лэнгли С простой и ясной мечтой Хочу отправиться в какую-нибудь страну третьего мира И скинуть их режим Тут люди в чёрном с один...
Party In The CIA [Spanish translation]
Me mudé a Langley recientemente Con un sueño sencillo y simple Me quiero infiltrar algo lugar del Tercer Mundo y derrocar su régimen Esos hombres vest...
Perform This Way lyrics
My mama told me when I was hatched: Act like a superstar! Save your allowance, buy a bubble dress And someday you will go far Now on red carpets, well...
Perform This Way [Danish translation]
Min mor fortalte mig da jeg blev udklækket: Opfør dig som en superstjerne! Gem din opsparing, køb en bobbelkjole Og en dag vil du komme langt På røde ...
Perform This Way [Finnish translation]
Äitini kertoi minulle kun kuoriuduin: Käyttäydy kuin supertähti! Säästä viikkorahoistasi, osta kuplamekko Ja joku päivä pääset pitkälle Nyt punaisilla...
Perform This Way [Italian translation]
La mamma mi disse, quando uscii dall'uovo: "Comportati da superstar! Metti da parte la paghetta, comprati un vestito a palloncino e un giorno andrai l...
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