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Sofia Carson featuring lyrics
One Kiss [French translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Hungarian translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Romanian translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Russian translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Spanish translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
One Kiss [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] Don't freak out, it's okay 'cause  true love can save the day And  I think we feel the same But I don't know When we met, it was sweet He  w...
Rather Be With You lyrics
Good, bad, dark, light What you rather be tonight? Would you rather Eat a bad apple and sleep for a week Or break up with your prince? Would you rathe...
Rather Be With You [German translation]
Good, bad, dark, light What you rather be tonight? Would you rather Eat a bad apple and sleep for a week Or break up with your prince? Would you rathe...
Rather Be With You [Romanian translation]
Good, bad, dark, light What you rather be tonight? Would you rather Eat a bad apple and sleep for a week Or break up with your prince? Would you rathe...
Rotten to the Core lyrics
(Verse 1: Mal) They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad (Jay) A dirty no-good, down to the bone Your worst nig...
Rotten to the Core [Bulgarian translation]
(Куплет 1: Дав) Казват, че съм проблемна, казват, че съм лоша Казват, че съм зла, и това ме прави доволна (Бобо) Мръсен некадърник, до костите Най-лош...
Rotten to the Core [Croatian translation]
Kažu da sam nevolja Kažu da sam loša Kažu da sam zla I zbog toga mi je drago Prljava, loša Sve do kostiju Tvoja najgora noćna mora Ne možeš me odvesti...
Rotten to the Core [Finnish translation]
(Verse 1: Dove) He sanovat että olen ongelma, he sanovat että huono oon He sanovat että olen paha ja se minut iloiseksi saa (Booboo) Likainen huono, s...
Rotten to the Core [French translation]
Dove : Il disent que je pose problème, ils disent que je suis mauvaise Ils disent que je suis méchante, ça me fait plaisir Booboo : Un sale "pas-bon",...
Rotten to the Core [German translation]
Vers1 Sie sagen, ich würde Ärger bedeuten, sie sagen ich wäre schlecht Sie sagen, ich wäre böse und das macht mich glücklich Ein schmutziger Nichtsnut...
Rotten to the Core [Greek translation]
(Στίχος 1: Dove) Λένε ότι είμαι μπελάς, λένε ότι είμαι κακιά Λένε ότι είμαι κακιά, και αυτό με κάνει χαρούμενη (Booboo) Ένας βρώμικος ποταπός, ως το κ...
Rotten to the Core [Hungarian translation]
(1. Dove) Azt mondják gond vagyok, azt mondják rossz vagyok Azt mondják gonosz vagyok, és ez engem boldoggá tesz (Booboo) A mocskos semmirekell...
Rotten to the Core [Hungarian translation]
Mal: Ők azt mondják, hogy bajban vagyok Ők azt mondják, hogy rossz vagyok Ők azt mondják, hogy én vagyok a gonosz És ez tesz engem boldoggá Jay: A pis...
Rotten to the Core [Hungarian translation]
Azt mondják gond vagyok Azt mondják rossz vagyok Azt mondják gonosz vagyok És ezek tesznek boldoggá Piszkos, rossz Velejéig* A legrosszabb rémálmod Ne...
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