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Schiller lyrics
Sonne lyrics
Der Morgen erwacht In deinem Sonnenschein Du führst mich nach Haus' An Bergen und Tälern Und Städten vorbei Die Sterne vergehen Und fallen mit dir Aus...
Sonne [Croatian translation]
Jutro se budi U tvom sunčevom sjaju Vodiš me kući Preko brda i dolina I pored gradova Zvijezde prolaze pored I padaju s tobom Iz Plašta Noći Dobar je ...
Sonne [English translation]
The morning awakes in your sunshine You lead me home - passing mountains, valleys and cities The stars go by and together with you they fall out of th...
Sonne [French translation]
Le matin s'éveille De par tes rayons Tu me mènes chez moi Par-delà monts, vallées Et villes Les étoiles défilent Et tombent avec toi Depuis le manteau...
Sonne [Persian translation]
صبح در چشمان تو بیدار می شود تو من را به سمت خونه راهنمایی می کنی [میبری] از میان کوه ها و درها و شهر ها ستاره ها عبور می کنند و با تو فرو می ریزند از...
Sonne [Russian translation]
Утро просыпается В твоём солнечном сиянии. Ты ведёшь меня домой К горам и долинам Мимо городов. Звёзды гаснут И падают с тобой С покрова ночи. Так сла...
Sonne [Turkish translation]
Senin gun isiginda uyaniyor sabah beni eve goturuyorsun daglardan ovalardan kentlerden geçerek Yildizlar geçip gidiyorlar ve seninle dusuyorlar geceni...
Sehnsucht lyrics
Meine Augen sind auf, doch ich sehe nicht raus. Ich schaue hinein, will verinnerlicht sein. Schalt das Innerlicht ein, was wird da wohl sein? Was dran...
Sehnsucht [English translation]
My eyes are open, but I don't look beyond I look within, wish to be in touch with myself switch on the inner light, what's there to see? What is it th...
Sehnsucht [English translation]
My eyes are open – but I’m not looking outward. I turn inside – I turn to my inner light. Will my inner light shine, what will I find inside? What’s g...
Sehnsucht [English translation]
My eyes are open but I don't see outwards. I look inside, want to be internalised. Turn on the internal light, what's going to be there? What entered ...
Sehnsucht [English translation]
Though I've opened my eyes I'm not looking outside I'm looking inside To be internalised Turn on my inner light What's under that hide? What came to a...
Sehnsucht [English translation]
My eyes are open, but I don't see anything out I look inside, want to be within Turn on the inner light, what will be there? What penetrated me? The l...
Sehnsucht [Spanish translation]
Mis ojos están abiertos, pero no veo nada ahí fuera. Miro dentro, quiero estar dentro. Enciendo la luz interior, ¿que habrá ahí? ¿Qué ha entrado en mí...
Morgenstund lyrics
Am Anfang ist nichts Kein Krach, kein grelles Licht Nur Ruhe und Frieden Ein Moment voller Liebe Kann dein'n Atem noch hör'n Nichts soll dich stör'n W...
Tired of Being Alone lyrics
Once, you dreamed of me Twice, you wished that I'd pull you out You chose your life And put me down Still you don't understand Tired of being alone Wh...
Tired of Being Alone [French translation]
Par une fois, tu as rêvé de moi Par deux fois, tu as souhaité que je t'en sorte Tu as choisi ta vie Et m'y as mise à l'écart Seulement, tu ne comprend...
Tired of Being Alone [Hungarian translation]
Először rólam álmodtál, Másodszor azt kívántad bárcsak kirángatnálak onnan, Te választottad a saját életed, És engem ledöntöttél, De még mindig nem ér...
Tired of Being Alone [Serbian translation]
Jednom si me sanjao Dvaput si poželeo da te izvučem Izabrao si svoj život I bacio me dole I dalje ne razumeš Umorna sam od toga da budem sama Ono o če...
Tired of Being Alone [Turkish translation]
Bir keresinde beni düşledin İki kere seni kurtarmamı istedin Kendi hayatını seçtin Ve beni bırakıp gittin Anlamıyorsun hala Yalnız olmaktan bıktım Şim...
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